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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (3): 599-610    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2024.03.017
1. 四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065
Light-weight algorithm for real-time robotic grasp detection
Mingjun SONG(),Wen YAN,Yizhao DENG,Junran ZHANG,Haiyan TU*()
1. College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
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针对机器人对形状、大小、种类变化不一的未知物体的抓取,提出轻量化的抓取位姿实时检测算法RTGN,以进一步提升抓取检测准确率及检测速度. 设计多尺度空洞卷积模块,以构建轻量化的特征提取主干网络;设计混合注意力模块,以加强网络对重要抓取特征的关注;引入金字塔池化模块融合多层级特征,以提升网络对物体的抓取感知能力. 在Cornell抓取数据集上进行测试,RTGN检测速度为142帧/s,在图像拆分和对象拆分上的检测准确率分别为98. 26%和97. 65%;在实际抓取环境下进行抓取实验,机器人对20类未知物体进行400次抓取,抓取成功率为96. 0%. 实验结果表明,RTGN的检测准确率和检测速度较现有方法有明显提升,对物体的位置和姿态变化具有较强的适应性,并且能够有效地泛化到形状、大小、种类等变化不一的未知物体的抓取检测中.

关键词: 机器人抓取抓取检测注意力机制卷积神经网络深度学习非结构化环境    

A light-weight, real-time approach named RTGN (real-time grasp net) was proposed to improve the accuracy and speed of robotic grasp detection for novel objects of diverse shapes, types and sizes. Firstly, a multi-scale dilated convolution module was designed to construct a light-weight feature extraction backbone. Secondly, a mixed attention module was designed to help the network focus more on meaningful features. Finally, the pyramid pool module was deployed to fuse the multi-level features extracted by the network, thereby improving the capability of grasp perception to the object. On the Cornell grasping dataset, RTGN generated grasps at a speed of 142 frame per second and attained accuracy rates of 98.26% and 97.65% on image-wise and object-wise splits, respectively. In real-world robotic grasping experiments, RTGN obtained a success rate of 96.0% in 400 grasping attempts across 20 novel objects. Experimental results demonstrate that RTGN outperforms existing methods in both detection accuracy and detection speed. Furthermore, RTGN shows strong adaptability to variations in the position and pose of grasped objects, effectively generalizing to novel objects of diverse shapes, types and sizes.

Key words: robotic grasping    grasp detection    attention mechanism    convolutional neural networks    deep learning    unstructured environment
收稿日期: 2023-08-22 出版日期: 2024-03-05
CLC:  TP 242  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(12126606);四川省科技计划资助项目(23ZDYF2913);德阳科技(揭榜)资助项目(2021JBJZ007);智能电网四川省重点实验室应急重点资助项目(020IEPG-KL-20YJ01).
通讯作者: 涂海燕     E-mail:;
作者简介: 宋明俊(1999—),男,硕士生,从事机器人抓取研究.
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宋明俊,严文,邓益昭,张俊然,涂海燕. 轻量化机器人抓取位姿实时检测算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2024, 58(3): 599-610.

Mingjun SONG,Wen YAN,Yizhao DENG,Junran ZHANG,Haiyan TU. Light-weight algorithm for real-time robotic grasp detection. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(3): 599-610.


图 1  五维抓取表示[6]示意图
图 2  四维抓取参数热力图表示[16]
图 3  RTGN抓取检测算法整体结构
图 4  多尺度空洞卷积模块结构图
图 5  不同空洞率下3×3大小的空洞卷积核
图 6  通道注意力模块结构图
图 7  坐标注意力模块结构图
图 8  混合注意力模块结构图
图 9  金字塔池化模块结构图
图 10  预测输出头结构图
Jiang 等[5]60. 5058. 305000
Lenz 等[6]73. 9075. 601350
Redmon 等[10]88. 0087. 1076
Kumra 等[11]89. 2188. 96103
Guo 等[13]93. 2089. 10
Chu 等[14]96. 0096. 10120
Zhou 等[15]97. 7496. 61118
夏晶等[8]93. 8091. 3057
喻群超等[9]94. 1093. 30
张云洲等[7]95. 7194. 0117
Morrison 等[16]73. 0069. 0019
Kumra 等[17]97. 7096. 6020
Cheng 等[18]98. 0097. 0073
Wang 等[19]97. 9996. 7041. 6
RTGN98. 2697. 657
表 1  Cornell抓取数据集上不同算法对比结果
图 11  RTGN在Cornell数据集上的抓取检测可视化结果
图 12  Cornell数据集的不完全标注
MDM-Backbone97. 7396. 805. 29
+CBAM97. 86(+0. 13)96. 90(+0. 10)6. 42
+MAM97. 91(+0. 18)97. 00(+0. 20)6. 60
+PPM97. 95(+0. 22)97. 03(+0. 23)5. 64
+CBAM+PPM98. 08(+0. 35)97. 18(+0. 38)6. 74
+MAM+PPM98. 26(+0. 53)97. 65(+0. 85)6. 96
表 2  Cornell数据集上模块消融实验对比结果
Kumra 等[11]89. 2188. 96103>32
Chu 等[14]96. 0096. 1012028. 18
Zhou 等[15]97. 7496. 61118>30
Morrison 等 [16]73. 0069. 00190. 062
夏晶等[8]93. 8091. 3057>46
张云洲等[7]95. 7194. 0117>12
RTGN98. 2697. 6571. 6608. 00
表 3  不同方法的模型性能和参数大小对比结果
图 13  RTGN和TF-Grasp[19]对单个未知物体的抓取检测对比结果
图 14  RTGN对多个未知物体的抓取检测可视化结果
图 15  机器人抓取实验平台
图 16  机器人抓取实验所用物体
图 17  机器人对未知物体的抓取
桔子100% (20/20)糖果100% (20/20)
饼干100% (20/20)塑料盘100% (20/20)
鼠标85% (17/20)塑料碗95% (19/20)
纸杯90% (18/20)雨伞80% (16/20)
酒精喷雾瓶90% (18/20)胶布100% (20/20)
五号电池100% (20/20)圆柱积木100% (20/20)
螺丝刀100% (20/20)牛奶盒95% (19/20)
牙膏盒100% (20/20)牙膏90% (18/20)
洗衣液瓶100% (20/20)刷子100% (20/20)
洗面奶95% (19/20)化妆水瓶100% (20/20)
表 4  机器人抓取统计结果
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