机械工程 |
轻量化机器人抓取位姿实时检测算法 |
宋明俊(),严文,邓益昭,张俊然,涂海燕*() |
1. 四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065 |
Light-weight algorithm for real-time robotic grasp detection |
Mingjun SONG(),Wen YAN,Yizhao DENG,Junran ZHANG,Haiyan TU*() |
1. College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China |
宋明俊,严文,邓益昭,张俊然,涂海燕. 轻量化机器人抓取位姿实时检测算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2024, 58(3): 599-610.
Mingjun SONG,Wen YAN,Yizhao DENG,Junran ZHANG,Haiyan TU. Light-weight algorithm for real-time robotic grasp detection. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(3): 599-610.
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