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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (1): 10-19    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2024.01.002
1. 东南大学 自动化学院,江苏 南京 210096
2. 东南大学 复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210096
Video object detection algorithm based on multi-level feature aggregation under mixed sampler
Siyi QIN1,2(),Shaoyan GAI1,2,*(),Feipeng DA1,2
1. School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
2. Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of Complex Engineering Systems, Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
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针对现有基于深度学习的视频目标检测算法无法同时满足精度和效率要求的问题,在单阶段检测器YOLOX-S的基础上,提出基于混合加权采样和多级特征聚合注意力的视频目标检测算法. 混合加权参考帧采样(MWRS)策略采用加权随机采样操作和局部连续采样操作,充分利用有效的全局信息与帧间局部信息. 多级特征聚合注意力模块(MFAA)基于自注意力机制,对YOLOX-S提取的分类特征进行细化,使得网络从不同层次的特征中学到更加丰富的特征信息. 实验结果表明,所提算法在ImageNet VID数据集上的检测精度均值AP50达到77.8%,平均检测速度为11.5 ms/帧,在检测图片上的目标分类和定位效果明显优于YOLOX-S,表明所提算法达到了较高的精度,具有较快的检测速度.

关键词: 机器视觉视频目标检测特征聚合注意力机制YOLOX    

A video object detection algorithm which was built upon the YOLOX-S single-stage detector based on mixed weighted reference-frame sampler and multi-level feature aggregation attention was proposed aiming at the problems of existing deep learning-based video object detection algorithms failing to simultaneously meet accuracy and efficiency requirements. Mixed weighted reference-frame sampler (MWRS) included weighted random sampling and local consecutive sampling to fully utilize effective global information and inter-frame local information. Multi-level feature aggregation attention (MFAA) module refined the classification features extracted by YOLOX-S based on self-attention mechanism, encouraging the network to learn richer feature information from multi-level features. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm achieved an average precision AP50 of 77.8% on the ImageNet VID dataset with an average detection speed of 11.5 milliseconds per frame. The object classification and location performance are significantly better than that of YOLOX-S, indicating that the proposed algorithm achieves higher accuracy and faster detection speed.

Key words: machine vision    video object detection    feature aggregation    attention mechanism    YOLOX
收稿日期: 2023-06-13 出版日期: 2023-11-07
CLC:  TP 391  
基金资助: 江苏省前沿引领技术基础研究专项项目(BK20192004C);江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目
通讯作者: 盖绍彦     E-mail:;
作者简介: 秦思怡(1999—),女,硕士生,从事目标检测的研究. E-mail:
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秦思怡,盖绍彦,达飞鹏. 混合采样下多级特征聚合的视频目标检测算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2024, 58(1): 10-19.

Siyi QIN,Shaoyan GAI,Feipeng DA. Video object detection algorithm based on multi-level feature aggregation under mixed sampler. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(1): 10-19.


图 1  SA和MFAA模块的结构
图 2  MMNet算法的网络结构图
图 3  混合加权参考帧采样策略的结构
${k_{\rm{g}}}:{k_{\rm{l}}}$ AP50/%
1∶2 72.6
1∶1 74.6
2∶1 76.1
3∶1 77.1
4∶1 77.8
5∶1 77.7
表 1  不同采样比例在ImageNet VID验证集上的精度
网络模型 主干网络 t/ms AP50/%
FGFA[1] ResNet-101 104.2 76.3
MEGA[10] ResNet-101 230.4 82.9
VOD-MT[30] VGG-16 73.2
LSTS[11] ResNet-101 43.5 77.2
TIAM[31] ResNet-101 74.9
QueryProp[7] ResNet-50 21.9(T) 80.3
SALISA[32] EfficientNet-B3 75.4
YOLOX-S[20] Modified CSP v5 9.4 69.5
MMNet Modified CSP v5 11.5 77.8
表 2  不同算法在ImageNet VID验证集上的实验结果
图 4  2种算法在ImageNet VID测试集上的检测结果可视化对比
速度 AP50
慢速 80.1 81.5
中速 71.4 75.6
快速 55.3 59.3
平均精度 69.5 77.1
表 3  混合加权参考帧采样策略在ImageNet VID验证集上测试不同速度目标的精度结果
速度 AP50
慢速 80.1 81.8 81.9
中速 71.4 75.4 75.6
快速 55.3 58.3 59.3
平均精度 69.5 76.9 77.5
表 4  多级特征聚合注意力模块在ImageNet VID验证集上不同速度目标的精度
MWRS MFAA P/106 FLOPs/109 t/ms AP50/%
8.95 21.63 9.4 69.5
8.95 21.63 9.6 77.1
10.41 26.88 11.3 77.5
10.41 26.88 11.5 77.8
表 5  所提算法在ImageNet VID验证集上的消融实验结果
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