Wind-induced response of crane structure with double flat arms for long-span transmission towers |
Ming-feng HUANG1(),Xin-rui WEI1,He-kai YE1,Jian-yun YE2,Wen-juan LOU1 |
1. Institute of Structural Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Zhejiang Electric Power Transmission & Transformation Corporation, Hangzhou 310016, China |
Abstract Based on the high-frequency force-balance wind tunnel test, the aerodynamic force coefficients of the crane structure were obtained under different wind direction angles and positions of double flat arms. Several finite element models of crane structure with double flat arms were established corresponding to typical working conditions of crane structure during the whole construction process. Wind-induced dynamic response analysis was carried out in time domain and the gust response factors of the crane structure were calculated under various working conditions and different wind directions. The calculated gust response factors were compared with the values derived from the design code of high-rise structures. Results show that the calculated gust response factors based on time history analysis for the body of crane structure exhibit more complicated behavior along the height than ones from the design code. Compared to the time history analysis, the design code overestimates the gust response factors for the top cantilever part of the crane structure, which is above the first guylines. Considering the most critical wind conditions, the gust response factor is calculated as 3.05 under 0 degree wind while the gust response factors of 2.24 (x-direction) and 2.28 (y-direction) are obtained for two orthogonal directions under 45 degree wind.
Received: 16 May 2020
Published: 05 July 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51838012);浙江省基础公益研究计划资助项目(LGG18E080001) |
基于风洞高频天平测力试验,获取抱杆结构在不同风向角和平臂姿态条件下的体型系数;建立施工全过程中典型工况下双平臂抱杆有限元模型,计算得到抱杆结构在多种施工工况和不同风向下的动力时程响应和风振系数,并与高耸结构设计规范的风振系数取值进行比较分析. 结果表明,对于抱杆杆身部分,基于时程分析的风振系数结果沿高度变化规律比规范风振系数更加复杂;对于第一道腰环拉索以上部分,即抱杆顶部悬臂部分,规范给出的风振系数较为保守,显著大于时程分析方法风振系数. 对于抗风最不利工况,抱杆顶部在0°和45°风向角下的时程风振系数分别达到3.05,2.24(45°x向)和2.28(45°y向).
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