Design and performance analysis of variable stiffness multi-stable composite laminate structure |
Zheng ZHANG1( ),Hao ZHANG1,Hao CHAI2,Hua-ping WU1,Shao-fei JIANG1 |
1. College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China 2. College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, Shaoxing 312030, China |
Abstract Two variable stiffness multi-stable composite laminate structures were designed by analyzing the relationship between the theoretical model of regional fiber angle change and the stiffness change of composite structures. The variable stiffness multi-stable composite structure was modeled, and the stable configuration of the multi-stable composite structures with variable stiffness was obtained by solving different equilibrium equations with Matlab. The experimental specimens were prepared to measure the mechanical properties with different stable transformation. The cooling process were simulated by finite element software Abaqus, and the numerical results of equilibrium stable configuration were obtained. The stable configuration, the stable transformation maximum load and the load-displacement curvatures were analyzed by combining with the theoretical, numerical and experimental results.
Received: 09 March 2019
Published: 05 July 2020
通过研究复合材料层合板结构局部纤维角变化的理论模型与刚度变化的关系,设计2种变刚度多稳态复合材料层合板结构. 对变刚度多稳态复合材料结构进行建模,运用Matlab求出不同的平衡方程解,得到变刚度多稳态复合材料结构的稳态构型. 制备相应的实验试件,测量变刚度多稳态复合材料结构不同稳态转变时的力学性能,通过有限元软件Abaqus模拟变刚度多稳态复合材料结构的降温冷却过程,得到平衡稳定状态的数值解. 结合理论、数值与试验,分析变刚度多稳态复合材料结构的稳态构型、稳态转变最大载荷及载荷-位移曲线的变化规律.
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