Civil Engineering |
Pushover test study of masonry structure restrained by steel-tube-bundle shear walls |
Yong CHEN1( ),Yong-quan LI1,Chong-lei XIE2,Kuang-liang QIAN1,*( ),Ye-sheng ZHANG2,Peng-yun CHENG1,Xuan-zuo YE2 |
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Greentown China Holdings Limited, Hangzhou 310007, China |
Abstract Two masonry structures with different boundary restraints were designed and manufactured, and experimental study was then carried out. By using the refined finite element model (FEM), the mechanical behavior of the masonry structures subjected to horizontal loading was analyzed and compared with the experimental results to verify the FEM. Suitability assessment of the two equivalent strut models for masonry structure was carried out. The experimental study and theoretical analysis show that, under the boundary restraint of steel-tube-bundle shear wall, the failure of the masonry structure was initiated by the separation from the surrounding constraints, and then the inside diagonal cracking formed. Furthermore, the masonry structure performed significant diagonal bracing effect. In comparison with the single-strut model, the three-strut model with appropriate parameters can accurately reflect the mechanical characteristics of the masonry structure under lateral load.
Received: 29 January 2019
Published: 05 March 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Kuang-liang QIAN
设计制作2个具有不同边缘构件的钢管束剪力墙-砌体结构试件,并开展试验研究. 利用精细化有限元模型,分析2种边缘构件下的钢管束剪力墙-砌体结构在水平荷载作用下的力学行为,并与试验结果进行比较,验证有限元模型的可靠性. 对砌体结构的2种等效简化模型进行适用性分析. 试验和理论分析结果表明,当以钢管束剪力墙作为边缘构件时,砌体结构破坏过程表现为其先与周边约束脱开,砌体结构内部形成斜裂缝后破坏. 砌体结构具有明显的斜撑效应. 相较于单压杆模型,选用合适参数的三压杆模型可以准确反映砌体结构在侧向荷载作用下的受力特征.
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