Power and Electrical Engineering |
Prediction of high-speed train interior noise using energy finite element analysis |
Wen-qiang DAI,Xu ZHENG*( ),Zhi-yong HAO,Yi QIU |
College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The carriage structural and sound cavity models of a high-speed train (HST) were established based on energy finite element analysis (EFEA) and structural insulation effect for full-spectrum interior noise analysis, considering the mechanical excitation and harmonic excitation sources comprehensively. Then, the model structure and sound cavity parameters were obtained by experiments and simulation calculation. The exterior excitation sources, including wheel-rail contact force, secondary suspension force, wheel-rail noise and aerodynamic noise, were obtained by multi-body dynamic calculation, acoustic finite element method and nonlinear acoustic solver. In order to validate the accuracy of excitation sources, the frequency bands of sound pressure level (SPL) peaks were verified. The model parameters and excitation sources were applied to interior noise EFEA models, and the interior noise in different regions was predicted. The predicted SPL of interior noise in different regions was compared with on-line experimental results, which indicates that the tendencies of simulation and experimental SPL of interior noise are in good agreement in the analytical frequency bands, and the error of overall sound pressure level (OASPL) is less than 3 dB(A). Thus, the proposed method is validated to be efficient and accurate in predicting full-spectrum interior noise of HST.
Received: 15 November 2018
Published: 17 December 2019
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: zhengxu@zju.edu.cn
采用能量有限元分析(EFEA)并引入车体隔声效应建立高速列车(HST)车厢结构和声腔模型,综合考虑机械激励和声激励源,预测分析车内全频噪声. 通过试验及仿真计算获取模型结构和声腔参数;采用多体动力学仿真、声学有限元法和非线性声学方法求解得到车外激励源,包括轮轨力、二系悬挂力、轮轨噪声和气动噪声. 通过验证激励源频谱结果的声压级(SPL)峰值频率保证激励源的准确性. 将模型参数和激励源施加到车内噪声EFEA模型上,并预测不同区域的车内噪声。将车内声腔各区域的预测与搭载试验车内噪声SPL进行对比,结果显示,仿真与试验车内噪声声压级在分析频段内的变化趋势基本一致,声压级总值(OASPL)误差小于3 dB(A). 由此验证了提出的方法对于HST车内全频噪声仿真预测的有效性和准确性.
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