Research on tread wear behavior of all steel radial truck tire |
Jie WANG1( ),Zhao LI1,2,Zi-ran LI1,*( ) |
1. CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials, Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China 2. Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan 430205, China |
Abstract The tire tread wear behavior was simulated through a wear post processing method, based on the finite element model of 12R22.5 all steel truck radial tire with longitudinal patterns. Comparing the calculated results of groove depth with the road wear test results under braking conditions, the relative error of the two is 10.2% which shows the reliability of the method. The tire tread wear in four different conditions was analyzed. Results show that the tire wear in free rolling conditions mainly occurs on the side of grooves. The maximum wear depth appears in the shoulder block under braking conditions, while the maximum wear depth of driving conditions appears in the middle block of the tread. The tread wear rate under cornering conditions is the greatest. The influence of inflation pressure and load on tread wear was investigated. The lower inflation pressure and the higher load lead to the increased unevenness of tread wear profile. Numerical results show that the quality of rubber wear in the overpressure-overload condition is 1.56 times that of the rated inflation and load condition after 5×104 km of free rolling.
Received: 28 September 2020
Published: 20 October 2021
Fund: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(C类)(XDC06030200);国家自然科学基金资助项目(11902229) |
Corresponding Authors:
Zi-ran LI
E-mail: wj9@mail.ustc.edu.cn;lzr@ustc.edu.cn
以12R22.5全钢载重子午线轮胎为研究对象,建立含纵向花纹的轮胎有限元模型,采用磨耗后处理法模拟胎面磨耗行为. 将制动条件下计算得到的沟深磨耗量与道路实测结果进行对比,两者相对误差为10.2%,验证了该处理方法的可靠性. 对4种不同行驶工况的轮胎胎面进行磨耗仿真分析. 结果表明,自由滚动工况磨耗主要发生在花纹沟边,制动工况胎肩部花纹块磨耗深度较大,驱动工况磨耗主要发生在胎中部花纹块,侧偏工况胎面橡胶磨耗速率最快. 考察充气压力和载荷对胎面磨耗的影响. 结果表明,载荷增大、充气压力减小使胎面磨耗的不均匀性增加. 对于超压超载工况,仿真得出自由滚动5×104 km后胎面橡胶磨耗质量是额定工况的1.56倍.
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