Stability analysis of diaphragm wall retained structure in clay |
Kai-jun LOU1( ),Feng YU1,*( ),Tang-dai XIA2,Jian MA3 |
1. Institute of Foundation and Structure Technologies, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China 2. Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 3. Shanghai Geotechnical Investigation, Design and Research Group Zhejiang Branch, Hangzhou 310020, China |
Abstract By employing the case history of the main excavation at Wenhualu Station of Hangzhou Metro Line 2, PLAXIS 3D numerical simulation software was applied to determine the value method of soil parameters the soil parameter determination methods involved in hardening soil model with small strain stiffness (HSS model) derived for typical Hangzhou clay. Based on the reliability theory and the evaluation system of stability and economy, three safety modes, including the excavation stabilities against basal heave, overturning, and the lateral deformation control of the retaining structure, were taken as single objectives, respectively. The sensitivity of structural parameters and the optimal solutions under the single objectives were analyzed. The optimal solution of design parameters of diaphragm wall supporting structure was determined by multi-objective optimization algorithm of grey incidence analysis. Results show that HSS model is suitable for the typical clay areas in Hangzhou. As for the internal bracing underground diaphragm wall supporting structure for narrow and long excavation in this area, the wall length is the decisive factor of anti-uplift excavation stability; and the lengths of the wall and the improved soil are equally important to the anti-overturning excavation stability. The passive strengthening zone depth under the bottom soil layer is the main control parameters for excavation deformation. Considering the internal bracing system, the first support is crucial to control the deformation. The optimal solutions of structural design parameters determined by the multi-objective optimization algorithm of grey incidence analysis are close to the actual results.
Received: 19 September 2020
Published: 22 September 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Feng YU
E-mail: kaijunlou@qq.com;pokfulam@zstu.edu.cn
以杭州地铁二号线文华路地铁站主体基坑为工程案例,应用PLAXIS 3D数值模拟软件,确定杭州典型黏土地区土体小应变硬化(HSS)模型的土体参数取值方法. 基于可靠度理论及稳定性和经济性评价体系,将抗隆起稳定、抗倾覆稳定、支护结构侧向位移控制这3种安全性模式分别作为单目标,分析单目标下的结构参数敏感性及其最优解;运用灰色关联度多目标优化算法确定地下连续墙支护结构设计参数的最优解. 结果表明,土体小应变硬化模型适用于杭州典型黏土地区:对于该地区狭长型基坑的内撑式地下连续墙支护结构,墙深是基坑抗隆起稳定性的决定因素,墙深和加固土深度对基坑抗倾覆稳定性的重要性相同,被动区加固土深度在坑底以下较差土层内还是基坑变形的主控参数. 当考虑内支撑时,首道支撑对基坑变形控制起决定性作用;由灰色关联度多目标优化算法确定的结构设计参数最优解与实际结果接近.
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