Water flow field evolution characteristics of oblique water-exit process for different shapes underwater launched vehicles |
Qi-bin ZHUANG( ),Huan-bin ZHANG,Zhi-rong LIU,Rui ZHU*( ) |
School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China |
Abstract The impact of the head shape, launch angle and launch velocity on the evolution of the trans-phase load and flow field characteristics of a submersible launch vehicle was analyzed. Statistical correlation analysis was used to combine the hydrodynamic and flow-field evolution properties of the vehicle based on data from water-to-air tests and numerical simulations of a submersible launch vehicle in order to reveal the effect of each experimental factor on the water flow characteristics of the trans-phase vehicle and its mechanisms. Results show that the factors affecting the degree of trans-phase stability of the vehicle are: head shape > launch angle > launch velocity. The factors that affect the trans-phase load and flow field evolution stability of the submersible launch vehicle were as follows. 1) The intensity and frequency of flow field shedding vortex caused by the difference of head shape affected the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (maximum dissipation was 0.075 J). 2) Different launch angles caused changes in vehicle motion state and component force. 3) Different initial kinetic energy caused by different launch velocities induced different trans-phase kinetic energy dissipation.
Received: 24 June 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: “十三· 五” 装备预研领域基金资助项目(61402060405);福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2022J01058) |
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 13290989198@163.com;zhurui@xmu.edu.cn
研究头部构型、发射角度、发射速度对潜射航行器跨介质出水载荷及水流场演化特性的影响. 基于潜射航行器跨介质出水弹射试验及数值仿真数据,采用统计学相关分析与跨介质水动力、水流场演变特性相结合的方式,揭示各试验影响因素对航行器跨介质水流场特性的影响及机理. 研究结果表明,各因素影响航行器跨介质稳定性的程度关系为:头部构型 > 发射角度 > 发射速度. 影响潜射航行器跨介质出水载荷及水流场演化稳定特性的因素如下:1)头部构型差异引起流场脱落涡强度与脱落涡频率的不同,影响了湍动能耗散(最大耗散为0.075 J);2)发射角度不同引起了航行器运动状态与分力的改变;3)发射速度不同引起的初始动能不同诱发跨介质动能耗散不一.
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