Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering |
Handling stability analysis of B-double |
Guo-jun WANG( ),Hong-guo XU,Hong-fei LIU*( ) |
College of Transportation, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China |
Abstract The effect of vehicle parameter variation on B-double handling stability was analyzed. A new analytical method was proposed, and a single-track linear model with three centers of mass and four degrees of freedom for B-double was developed. The dynamic state equations were solved using Matlab software with the tractor’s steering wheel angle step input, and the expressions of steady state yaw rate gain and understeer gradient of three vehicle units, and the expressions of steady state relative gain between three vehicle units were deduced. The effects of vehicle structural parameters such as load capacity and location of fifth wheel on understeer gradients of three vehicle units were analyzed. The effects of understeer gradient, location of center of mass and location of fifth wheel on three steady state relative gains were analyzed. Results showed that as the load increased, the location of two fifth wheels should be adjusted properly to keep three vehicle units in the understeering state, which can keep the driving state well for combination vehicles. Results provides theoretical basis for the design of B-double structural parameters and the improvement of the handling stability.
Received: 05 April 2018
Published: 21 February 2019
Corresponding Authors:
Hong-fei LIU
分析车辆参数变化对双半挂汽车列车操纵稳定性的影响. 提出新的建模分析方法,建立双半挂汽车列车三质心四自由度线性单轨模型. 在牵引车前轮角阶跃输入下,运用Matlab软件求解动力学状态方程,得到稳态响应评价中3个车辆单元的稳态横摆角速度增益表达式和不足转向梯度表达式,以及3个车辆单元两两之间的稳态相对增益表达式. 分析载荷量和鞍座位置等车辆结构参数对3个车辆单元不足转向梯度的影响,分析不足转向梯度、质心位置和鞍座位置变化对3个稳态相对增益表达式的影响. 结果表明,当载荷增加时,须恰当调整2个鞍座的位置,确保3个车辆单元处于不足转向的状态,使汽车列车行驶状态良好. 研究结果为双半挂汽车列车的结构参数设计和操纵稳定性改善提供了理论基础.
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