Mechanical and Energy Engineering |
Cooling system modeling and coolant temperature control for gasoline engine |
Liang LV1( ),Hong CHEN1,Xun GONG1,Hai-guang ZHAO2,Yun-feng HU1,*( ) |
1. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China 2. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing 100012, China |
Abstract A control-oriented heat transfer dynamic model of engine cooling system was developed and a nonlinear control method was proposed, according to the requirement of coolant temperature control of gasoline engine equipped with an electric fan and a mechanical pump. Firstly, the heating power from combustion chamber to liner was precisely modeled based on the heat transfer theory, thereby ensuring a more accurate dynamic model. Secondly, the dynamic model was simplified as a nonlinear model with affine form for the control variable. An extended state observer was designed to compensate the modeling error. A controller-oriented design model was obtained, which was relatively simple and accurate. Then, a state feedback controller was designed based on the Lyapunov stability and a nonlinear Smith predictor was introduced to compensate the system delay. The robustness of the closed-loop error system was also proved under the input-state stability theory. The simulation results show that, the proposed control system has good temperature tracking performance and robustness under mismatch and disturbance, and the fluctuation is less than 0.5 K under transient conditions.
Received: 16 November 2018
Published: 22 May 2019
Corresponding Authors:
Yun-feng HU
针对冷却系统组件为电子风扇和机械水泵的汽油发动机的水温控制要求,建立面向控制的冷却系统传热动力学模型,并提出水温的非线性控制方法. 根据传热学原理建立燃烧室对壁面的加热功率精确模型,据此获得较为精确的传热动力学模型;将动力学模型简化为对控制变量具有仿射形式的非线性模型,并设计扩张状态观测器补偿建模误差,进而获得相对简单且精度较高的面向控制器设计的模型;在Lyapunov稳定性框架下设计状态反馈控制器,引入非线性史密斯预估器补偿系统延迟,并在输入到状态稳定性框架下证明闭环误差系统的鲁棒性. 仿真结果表明:所提控制系统具有良好的水温跟踪效果,在瞬态工况下水温波动小于0.5 K,且在模型失配扰动下具有较好的鲁棒性.
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