Dynamic characteristics of thermoacoustic instability of liquid spray combustion |
Cheng-fei TAO( ),Hao ZHOU*( ),Liu-bin HU,Zi-hua LIU,Ke-fa CEN |
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract A laboratory-scale 3 kW liquid spray burner was used to explore the dynamic characteristics of liquid spray combustion instability. The dynamic characteristics of sound pressure and flame heat release rate in the combustion chamber under different equivalence ratios were measured, and nonlinear time series analysis methods such as phase space and recurrence plot were used to study the characteristics of thermoacoustic oscillation signal. When the air flow rate of the liquid spray burner gradually increased from 4.0 L/min to 9.5 L/min, the dynamic characteristics of thermoacoustic oscillation in the combustion chamber were different. When the air flow rate was from 4.0 L/min to 5.5 L/min, the sound pressure amplitude of the combustion chamber was between 20 Pa and 30 Pa. However, when the air flow rate was 6.0 L/min, the sound pressure amplitude suddenly increased to 100 Pa. The flame presents turbulent combustion noise, limit cycle, and semi-steady state. At the same time, the increase in air volume (decrease in the equivalence ratio) will trigger thermoacoustic instability, and the turbulent combustion noise of the combustion chamber will abruptly become a limit cycle oscillation.
Received: 16 December 2020
Published: 05 November 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金资助项目(51825605) |
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: chengfei_tao@163.com;zhouhao@zju.edu.cn
为了探究液雾燃烧不稳定的动态特性,在实验室尺度的3 kW液雾燃烧器上,通过测量不同当量比下燃烧室的声压和火焰热释放速率变化情况,并且使用非线性时间序列分析方法,如相空间重构和递归分析,研究热声振荡信号的特点. 当液雾燃烧器的风量从4.0 L/min逐渐增加到9.5 L/min后,燃烧室中热声振荡的动态特性不同. 当风量为4.0~5.5 L/min时,燃烧室的声压幅值为20~30 Pa;当风量为6.0 L/min时,燃烧室的声压幅值突然增大到100 Pa. 发生热声不稳定的液雾火焰将会呈湍流燃烧噪声、极限环、半稳态等非线性状态. 与此同时,风量的增加(当量比的减少)会触发液雾燃烧热声不稳定,燃烧室的湍流燃烧噪声会突变成极限环振荡.
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