Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering |
Additional confining pressure field and enhancement effect of prestressed embankment |
Wu-ming LENG1( ),Qi-shu ZHANG1,Fang XU1,*( ),Hui-kang LENG2,Ru-song NIE1,Xiu-hang YANG1 |
1. School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China 2. School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China |
Abstract ABAQUS code was used to establish a finite element model of prestressed embankment (PE) and the distribution characteristics of the additional confining pressure field in a PE with a lateral pressure plate (LPP) width of 1.2 m and a slope ratio of 1 : 1 were analyzed. Results indicate that with the increase of the horizontal depth from the embankment slope surface, the additional confining pressure field under the coverage region of the LPP gradually varies from an “abdominal drum shape” distribution in shallow layers to a relatively uniform distribution in deeper layers. The additional confining pressure in three external regions of the LPP initially increases to a peak value and subsequently decreases with increasing horizontal depth, and the prestress propagates to the core zones mainly bearing the loading with different peak stress diffusing angles. The peak stress diffusing angle in the region beyond the left and right sides of the LPD is greater than that in the region beyond the upper side, but less than that in the region beyond the lower side. The overall stability of a PE was analyzed based on the strength reduction method, and a design method/idea with corresponding implementing procedures was proposed for optimizing the LPP spacing. A series of large-scale static and dynamic triaxial tests on a typical railway embankment filling were performed, substantiating that PE could effectively improve the ability of the embankment soil to resist deformation and static and dynamic loads. An empirical formula correlating the critical dynamic stress with the confining pressure was established, which provides a reference for determining the required confining pressure increment for railway embankments.
Received: 12 April 2019
Published: 05 May 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Fang XU
利用ABAQUS建立预应力路堤(PE)三维有限元模型,以侧压板(LPP)宽度1.2 m,边坡坡率1∶1为例,分析其内部附加围压场的分布特征. 结果表明:随距路堤坡面水平向深度增加,板体覆盖侧附加围压由浅层 “腹鼓形”差异分布逐渐过渡至深部的较均匀分布;板体3个外延区的附加围压均随坡面水平向内深度先增后减,以不同峰值围压扩散角将预应力扩散至路堤受荷核心区,且峰值扩散角依次为:板外上侧<板外左、右两侧<板外下侧. 基于强度折减法,分析预应力路堤整体稳定性能,并探寻板间距的优化设计方法和思路. 开展典型路堤填料的系列静动三轴试验,论证预应力加固结构能有效提高填料的静动力抗载和抗变形性能,并建立填料临界动应力与围压间的经验式,可以为补强铁路路堤土围压提供参考.
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