Deformation control of shield tunnel operation based on tunnel jet system method |
Sijian ZHOU1,2( ),Di ZHANG3,Jian ZHOU1,2,*( ),Ying LI4,Xiaonan GONG1,2 |
1. Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Engineering Research Center of Urban Underground Development, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 3. China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Limited Company, Wuhan 430063, China 4. Zhejiang Province Institute of Architectural Design and Research, Hangzhou 310006, China |
Abstract A study was carried out on the deformation control of operational tunnels using the tunnel jet system (TJS) method. Based on measured data from a typical operating tunnel section, a finite element numerical simulation software Plaxis 3D was used to analyze the influence of pile length, pile angle and pile diameter on the tunnel reinforcement effect in the cross-section arrangement of the TJS method. A method for optimizing the TJS method was proposed by placing a partial cushion layer at the bottom of the tunnel. Results showed that a longer pile length, an angle closer to 40 degrees, and a larger pile diameter led to a more pronounced ability to control tunnel settlement. The ground settlement of the tunnel reinforced by the TJS method was reduced by 16.38 mm, and the horizontal convergence deformation was 42.87% of that of the unreinforced tunnel. A partial cushion layer greatly enhanced the reinforcement effect of TJS piles, the layout of “short on both sides and long in the middle” reduced construction costs while taking into account the reinforcement effect.
Received: 16 June 2023
Published: 01 July 2024
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778575);铁四院横向课题资助项目(2022K119-W01). |
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 22112172@zju.edu.cn;zjelim@zju.edu.cn
开展隧道洞内全方位微扰动高压喷射注浆(TJS)工法对运营隧道变形控制的研究. 基于典型区间运营隧道实测数据,采用Plaxis 3D有限元数值模拟软件分析TJS工法横断面布置中桩长、打设角度、桩径对隧道加固效果的影响,通过在隧道底部打设局部垫层的方法优化TJS工法. 结果表明,桩长越长、角度越接近40°、桩径越大,对隧道沉降的控制效果越明显. TJS工法加固后的隧道地表沉降减少16.38 mm,水平收敛变形为未加固时的42.87%. 局部垫层能够显著提升TJS桩的加固效果,“两侧短中间长”的布置能够兼顾加固效果和降低施工成本.
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