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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (9): 1704-1713    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.09.003
Surface explosion induced crack extension mechanism of reinforced concrete pipeline
Guo-peng LYU1(),Nan JIANG1,*(),Chuan-bo ZHOU1,Hai-bo LI2,Ying-kang YAO3,Xu ZHANG1
1. Faculty of engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
2. State key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
3. Hubei Key Laboratory of Engineering Blasting, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, China
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A full-scale surface explosion test with buried pipeline was designed and implemented for the common shallow buried reinforced concrete pipeline with bell and spigot joints in urban areas, in order to study the safety of buried pipelines under the effect of surface explosion. The dynamic response characteristics and the crack expansion mechanism of reinforced concrete pipeline with bell and spigot joints under the action of surface explosion were analyzed based on concrete smeared crack model by combining fully coupled numerical simulation means and separated reinforced concrete modeling method. Results show that under the effect of surface explosion, the pipeline cracking in the form of oblique cracking and circumferential cracking. And the oblique cracks are all generated at the bell and spigot joints of the pipe. When the detonation source is located above the bell and spigot joints of pipeline and the middle of the pipe body, obvious oblique cracks appeared in the bell and spigot joints which closest to the detonation source. Bell and spigot joints of the pipeline is the weakest part to resistant blasting in the pipeline system.

Key wordssurface explosion      reinforced concrete pipeline      field test      numerical simulation      crack extension     
Received: 24 October 2021      Published: 28 September 2022
CLC:  TV 331  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(41807265, 41972286);爆破工程湖北省重点实验室开放基金资助项目(HKLBEF202001)
Corresponding Authors: Nan JIANG     E-mail:;
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Guo-peng LYU,Nan JIANG,Chuan-bo ZHOU,Hai-bo LI,Ying-kang YAO,Xu ZHANG. Surface explosion induced crack extension mechanism of reinforced concrete pipeline. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(9): 1704-1713.

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为了研究地表爆炸作用下埋地管道的安全性,针对城区内常见的浅埋承插式钢筋混凝土管道,设计并实施全尺寸埋地管道地面爆炸现场试验. 结合全耦合数值模拟手段及分离式钢筋混凝土建模方法,基于混凝土smeared crack模型,分析地表爆炸作用下承插式钢筋混凝土管道结构体系的动力响应特征及管道裂缝扩展机制. 研究结果表明,地表爆炸作用下,管道内壁开裂以斜向裂缝和环向裂缝为主. 斜向裂缝均出现在管道的承插接口处. 当爆源位于管道承插接口上方和管身中部正上方时,距爆源最近的管道承插接口处均产生明显的斜向裂缝. 承插接口是承插式钢筋混凝土管道体系抗爆的薄弱部位.

关键词: 地表爆炸,  钢筋混凝土管道,  现场试验,  数值模拟,  裂缝扩展 
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of reinforced concrete pipeline with bell and spigot joints and its dimensions
Fig.2 Design of surface explosion and monitoring plan
Fig.3 Numerical model of finite element
类型 ρ/(g·cm?3) E/GPa μ RS σy/MPa ET/GPa CRS PRS
纵筋 7.8 210 0.3 548 2 40 5
箍筋 7.8 210 0.3 350 2 40 5
Tab.1 Parameters of rebar
Fig.4 Reinforcement of reinforced concrete pipeline
Fig.5 Contours of pressure in soil and air at different moments induced by surface explosion
Fig.6 Comparison of numerical simulation and field surface explosion phenomena
监测点 Vf /(cm·s?1) Vn /(cm·s?1) Err/%
V1 4.05
V2 4.60 5.14 11.70
V3 11.00 10.20 7.27
V4 8.68 9.97 14.86
V5 4.70 5.09 8.30
Tab.2 Comparison of peak particle velocity
监测部位 现场监测 数值模拟 Ea/% Eb/%
εa/10?6 εh/10?6 εa/10?6 εh/10?6 w/mm
#2管 上部 174 198 0.007
底部 434 185 495 0 9.4
左侧 68 59 186 0 13.20
#3管 上部 21174 4217 8520 3470 0.290 ?59.80 ?17.7
底部 109 1709 117 1883 0.080 7.33 10.2
左侧 1427 230 1270 217 0.093 ?11.00 ?5.7
Tab.3 Comparison of strain results
Fig.7 Comparison of dynamic strain data of pipeline in numerical simulation and field test
Fig.8 Distribution of the crack on reinforced concrete pipeline in simulation
Fig.9 Local breakage of pipes in field test
Fig.10 Comparison of pipe crack distribution in field test and numerical simulation
Fig.11 Total energy-time curve for each part of pipeline system
Fig.12 Positional relationship between explosion stress wave and pipe bell joints
Fig.13 Distribution of crack in reinforced concrete pipeline
Fig.14 Crack element number-time curve of pipeline
Fig.15 Crack width contour of pipeline in different directions
Fig.16 Distribution of width of axial cracks inside pipeline
Fig.17 Effective stress contour for reinforcement of pipeline
Fig.18 Distribution of pipe cracks and axial crack width contour
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