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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (2): 219-225    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.02.001
西安交通大学 电子与信息工程学部,陕西 西安 710049
Graph neural network based node embedding enhancement model for node classification
Ju-xiang ZENG(),Ping-hui WANG*(),Yi-dong DING,Lin LAN,Lin-xi CAI,Xiao-hong GUAN
Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
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考虑到实际的图结构往往是有噪的,可能包含实际不存在的边或者遗漏节点间实际存在的部分边,提出可微分相似度模型(DSM). 通过挖掘节点间隐藏关系增强节点嵌入,以提高节点分类的准确度. DSM基于普通图神经网络方法(GNN)得到各节点的基础表征,根据节点表征相似度为目标节点选出相似节点集合,结合相似节点集合的基础表征对目标节点进行嵌入表征增强. 在数学上,DSM 是可微分的,可以将 DSM 作为插件与任意 GNN 相结合,以端到端的方式进行训练. DSM具有挖掘隐藏连接关系的能力,能促使GNNs学习到更具辨识性和鲁棒性的节点表征. 基于最常用的多个公开的节点分类数据集,开展实验验证. 结果表明,将已有GNNs与DSM结合能显著提升分类准确度,其中GAT-DSM相对GAT在数据集Cora和Citeseer上分别取得了2.9%、3.5%的提升.

关键词: 节点分类有监督节点分类图神经网络神经网络深度学习    

In reality, the structure of most graphs could be noisy, i.e., including some noisy edges or ignoring some edges that exist between nodes in practice. To solve these challenges, a novel differentiable similarity module (DSM), which boosted node representations by digging implict association between nodes to improve the accuracy of node classification, was presented. Basic representation of each target node was learnt by DSM using an ordinary graph neural network (GNN), similar node sets were selected in terms of node representation similarity and the basic representation of the similar nodes was integrated to boost the target node’s representation. Mathematically, DSM is differentiable, so it is possible to combine DSM as plug-in with arbitrary GNNs and train them in an end-to-end fashion. DSM enables to exploit the implicit edges between nodes and make the learned representations more robust and discriminative. Experiments were conducted on several public node classification datasets. Results demonstrated that with GNNs equipped with DSM, the classification accuracy can be significantly improved, for example, GAT-DSM outperformed GAT by significant margins of 2.9% on Cora and 3.5% on Citeseer.

Key words: node classification    supervised node classification    graph neural network    neural network    deep learning
收稿日期: 2022-08-04 出版日期: 2023-02-28
CLC:  TP 29  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2021YFB1715600);国家自然科学基金资助项目(61902305,61922067);深圳基础研究基金资助项目(JCYJ20170816100819428);“人工智能”教育部-中国移动建设资助项目(MCM20190701)
通讯作者: 王平辉     E-mail:;
作者简介: 曾菊香(1995—),女,博士生,从事图神经网络研究. E-mail:
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曾菊香,王平辉,丁益东,兰林,蔡林熹,管晓宏. 面向节点分类的图神经网络节点嵌入增强模型[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2023, 57(2): 219-225.

Ju-xiang ZENG,Ping-hui WANG,Yi-dong DING,Lin LAN,Lin-xi CAI,Xiao-hong GUAN. Graph neural network based node embedding enhancement model for node classification. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(2): 219-225.


图 1  GNN-DSM的整体结构
数据集 $ N $ $ M $ $ D $ $ C $
Cora 2 708 5 429 1 433 7
Citeseer 3 327 4 732 3 703 6
Pubmed 19 717 44 338 500 3
表 1  基准数据集的情况总结
方法 5节点/类 10节点/类 20 节点/类
Raw 36.4±3.0 40.9±2.5 47.1±1.9
MLP 38.5±4.2 46.8±3.8 54.3±3.1
DeepWalk 53.6±4.5 60.7±3.5 66.6±1.9
ChebyNet 60.3±6.6 70.3±4.5 76.9±2.2
GCN 68.2±5.6 75.4±2.2 79.6±1.6
GAT 72.2±4.5 77.5±1.9 81.1±1.7
GCN-DSM *69.4±5.3 *76.2±3.0 79.5±1.9
GAT-DSM *75.1±4.1 *79.2±1.7 *81.8±1.4
表 2  Cora数据集上的分类准确度
方法 5节点/类 10节点/类 20节点/类
Raw 37.2±3.3 42.8±2.6 48.5±2.1
MLP 34.2±6.1 38.1±6.3 52.1±5.8
DeepWalk 33.4±4.2 38.0±2.7 41.9±2.4
ChebyNet 59.4±5.3 65.6±2.4 67.7±2.0
GCN 55.3±4.4 64.9±2.5 69.2±1.6
GAT 62.4±3.0 66.6±2.2 69.9±1.7
GCN-DSM *59.0±4.6 *66.9±2.5 *69.7±1.6
GAT-DSM *65.9±2.6 *68.3±2.3 *70.6±1.8
表 3  Citeseer数据集上的分类准确度
方法 5节点/类 10节点/类 20节点/类
Raw 57.7±1.3 62.3±3.3 66.5±2.4
MLP 59.8±4.1 64.3±3.2 69.6±2.6
DeepWalk 54.5±4.7 60.7±4.2 65.1±3.5
ChebyNet 65.4±7.0 70.1±4.9 75.0±2.5
GCN 68.2±6.2 72.9±3.8 77.0±2.4
GAT 71.3±5.3 74.7±2.9 77.7±2.5
GCN-DSM *68.8±5.7 *73.8±3.7 77.0±2.5
GAT-DSM *71.8±5.2 *75.6±3.1 *78.7±2.2
表 4  Pubmed数据集上的分类准确度
图 2  5种不同节点表示学习方法在Cora、Citeseer、Pubmed数据集上的节点表征分布t-SNE图
图 3  Cora数据集上相似节点数量、超参数、损失平衡因子对准确度的影响
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