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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (8): 1640-1647    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.08.018
1. 浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
2. 之江实验室,浙江 杭州 310000
Automatic hot spot detection method for photovoltaic aerial infrared image
Jie-feng XIA1(),Wu-qin TANG1,Qiang YANG1,2,*()
1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
2. Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 310000, China
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针对光伏电站传统巡检技术的高成本、低效率以及准确率不高等问题,提出二阶段式的航拍红外图像热斑检测方法,实现对红外图像中热斑缺陷的组件级定位及精细化分类诊断. 该方法将传统图像处理技术与深度学习方法融合,进一步提升缺陷诊断的准确率与效率. 基于航拍红外图像前、后景灰度值的差异,提出基于边缘检测的组件分割方法来提取光伏组件轮廓以实现组件级定位,该方法以相对较小的硬件需求实现光伏组件有效检出率可达99.3%. 考虑到热斑成因、危害及对应处理方式的差异性,提出基于EfficientNet的红外缺陷分类模型对热斑进行精细的四分类,为电站运维人员提供更为精准的决策支撑,该模型在空间占用20.17 MB的情况下获得97.0%的热斑分类准确率. 经过实验对比分析,论证了本研究所提出的方法在缺陷诊断的效率以及准确率上都较高.

关键词: 航拍图像EfficientNet深度学习热斑检测光伏边缘检测    

A two-stage hot spot detection method of aerial infrared image was proposed to realize component level positioning and fine classification diagnosis of hot spot defects in infrared image, aiming at the problems of high cost, low efficiency and low accuracy of traditional inspection technology of photovoltaic power station. This method combined the traditional image processing technology with the deep learning method to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of defect diagnosis. Specifically, firstly, based on the difference between the gray values of the front and back scenes of aerial infrared images, a component segmentation method based on edge detection was proposed to extract the contour of photovoltaic components to achieve component level positioning. This method achieved the effective detection rate of photovoltaic components up to 99.3% with relatively small hardware requirements. Secondly, considering the differences in the causes, hazards and corresponding treatment methods of hot spots, an infrared defect classification model based on EfficientNet was proposed to finely classify the hot spots, so as to provide more accurate decision support for the operation and maintenance personnel of the power station. The model obtained hot spot classification accuracy of 97.0% when it occupied 20.17 MB. Through experimental comparison and analysis, it is demonstrated that the proposed method has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of defect diagnosis.

Key words: aerial image    EfficientNet    deep-learning    hotspot detection    photovoltaic module    edge detection
收稿日期: 2021-08-12 出版日期: 2022-08-30
CLC:  TP 29  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51777183)
通讯作者: 杨强     E-mail:;
作者简介: 夏杰锋(1997—),男,硕士生,从事机器视觉研究. E-mail:
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夏杰锋,唐武勤,杨强. 光伏航拍红外图像的热斑自动检测方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(8): 1640-1647.

Jie-feng XIA,Wu-qin TANG,Qiang YANG. Automatic hot spot detection method for photovoltaic aerial infrared image. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(8): 1640-1647.


图 1  检测算法整体流程
图 2  开运算原理示意图
图 3  Canny算法梯度方向与边缘方向关系
图 4  组件黏连解决方法
图 5  组件再分割原理
图 6  组件热斑类别
网络层 S/像素 C L
Conv3×3 224×224 32 1
MBConv1,k3×3 112×112 16 1
MBConv6,k3×3 112×112 24 2
MBConv6,k3×3 56×56 40 2
表 1  EfficientNet-B0的网络结构
图 7  全图像集灰度分布
图 8  光伏组件检测过程
图 9  组件分类结果混淆矩阵
图 10  光伏组件提取方法效果对比
图 11  全数据集方法检出率对比
算法 Precision Recall Accuracy P/MB Me/MB
VGG16 0.9948 0.9847 0.9898 448.18 232.28
ResNet50 0.9949 0.9949 0.9949 97.49 309.46
DenseNet121 0.9913 0.9951 0.9930 30.44 299.11
SqueezeNet 0.9847 0.9753 0.9804 30.16 290.67
MobileNetV2 0.9608 0.9755 0.9657 12.62 408.23
ShuffleNetV2 0.9755 0.9659 0.9706 8.54 813.55
EfficientNet 0.9949 1.0000 0.9974 20.17 231.66
表 2  分类模型性能对比
图 12  算法运算速度与准确性能比较
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