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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (4): 727-735    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.04.012
华东理工大学 信息科学与工程学院,上海 200000
Breast cancer pathological image classification based on Cycle-GAN and improved DPN network
Xue-qin ZHANG(),Tian-ren LI
School of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200000, China
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针对病理图像染色不均匀及良恶性难以鉴别的问题,提出基于Cycle-GAN和改进的双路径网络(DPN)的算法框架. 利用Cycle-GAN进行颜色归一化处理,解决因病理图像染色不均匀导致的检测模型精度偏低问题,通过对图像进行重叠切片,基于DPN网络采用增加小卷积、反卷积和注意力机制,增强模型对病理图像纹理特征的分类能力. 在BreaKHis数据集上的实验结果表明,所提算法有效提高了乳腺癌病理图像良恶性分类的准确性.

关键词: 乳腺癌病理图像分类深度学习Cycle-GAN网络双路径网络(DPN)注意力机制    

An algorithm framework based on cycle-consistent adversarial network (Cycle-GAN) and improved dual path network (DPN) was proposed aiming at the uneven staining of pathological images and the difficulty in distinguishing between benign and malignant. Cycle-GAN was used for color normalization in order to solve the problem of low accuracy of the detection model caused by uneven staining of pathological images. The mechanism of adding small convolution, deconvolution and attention was adopted based on the DPN network by overlapping and slicing the image. The model’s ability to classify pathological image texture features was enhanced. The experimental results on the BreaKHis dataset show that the proposed algorithm effectively improves the accuracy of the classification of benign and malignant breast cancer pathological images.

Key words: breast cancer pathological image classification    deep learning    Cycle-GAN network    dual path network (DPN)    attention mechanism
收稿日期: 2021-05-20 出版日期: 2022-04-24
CLC:  TP 391  
作者简介: 张雪芹(1972—),女,教授,从事计算机视觉与信息安全的研究. E-mail:
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张雪芹,李天任. 基于Cycle-GAN和改进DPN网络的乳腺癌病理图像分类[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(4): 727-735.

Xue-qin ZHANG,Tian-ren LI. Breast cancer pathological image classification based on Cycle-GAN and improved DPN network. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(4): 727-735.


图 1  Cycle-GAN模型
图 2  DPN68网络结构
图 3  DPN网络block结构
图 4  注意力层结构
图 5  基于Cycle-GAN和DPN网络的乳腺癌病理图像分类模型
图 6  Cycle-GAN病理图像颜色归一化模型
图 7  DPN68-A网络结构
A Nib Nim Ni
40 625 1370 1995
100 644 1437 2081
200 623 1390 2013
400 588 1232 1820
表 1  不同放大倍数的良、恶性肿瘤图像的数量
图 8  病理图像重叠切割
数据集 Nb Nm N
Data1 23856 22632 46488
Data2 16656 22248 38904
Data3 17856 20880 38736
表 2  40倍下扩充后三折数据集中良、恶性切片的具体分布
方法 FPR FNR Recall Precision F1-score I
无归一化 24.4 8.9 90.0 78.64 83.94 83.33
Vahadane法归一化 13.3 4.4 95.5 87.76 91.47 91.11
Cycle-GAN归一化 10.0 3.3 96.7 90.63 93.56 93.33
表 3  不同归一化方法下良恶性分类准确率对比
VGG16 36.48 9.78 81.85 82.68
AlexNet 31.84 11.53 82.11 84.68
GoogLeNet 30.72 10.00 83.51 85.49
ResNet34 19.50 9.60 87.27 90.89
ResNet101 22.88 8.90 86.67 89.18
表 4  不同CNN模型图像级别和患者级别准确率对比结果
网络 FPR FNR Recall Precision F1-score I R AUC
DPN68 12.30 6.7 93.28 94.04 93.66 91.33 92.76 93.36
DPN68+小卷积 10.40 6.5 93.50 95.17 94.33 92.28 93.72 93.50
DPN68-A 7.04 6.2 93.80 96.69 95.22 93.53 94.68 94.72
表 5  DPN68网络改进分类准确率的对比结果
图 9  ROC曲线图
图 10  DPN68-A与其他分类算法的患者级别准确率对比结果
A FPR/% FNR/% Recall/% Precision/% F1-score/% I/% R/%
40 7.04 6.20 93.80 96.69 95.22 93.53 94.68
100 7.05 4.28 95.72 97.60 96.65 94.70 94.51
200 8.02 4.70 95.30 96.73 96.01 93.34 94.35
400 7.33 5.06 94.94 97.15 96.03 94.31 94.72
表 6  DPN68-A在所有放大倍数下测试结果
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