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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (8): 1490-1499    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2021.08.010
基于改进MobileNet v2的垃圾图像分类算法
1. 江西理工大学 电气工程与自动化学院,江西 赣州 341000
2. 江西省磁悬浮技术重点实验室,江西 赣州 341000
Garbage image classification algorithm based on improved MobileNet v2
Zhi-chao CHEN1,2(),Hai-ning JIAO1,2,*(),Jie YANG1,2,Hua-fu ZENG1,2
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China
2. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Maglev Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China
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针对现有的垃圾图像分类模型实时性能差和分类精度低的问题,提出基于改进MobileNet v2的垃圾图像分类方法,构建以MobileNet v2为核心的轻量级特征提取网络. 通过调整宽度因子降低模型的参数量;在模型中嵌入通道和空间注意力模块,增强网络对特征的细化能力;设计多尺度特征融合结构,增强网络对尺度的适应性;利用迁移学习的方式优化模型参数,进一步提高模型精度. 实验结果表明,算法在自建数据集上的平均准确率为94.6%,分别高于MobileNet v2、VGG16、GoogleNet、ResNet50、ResNet101模型2.0%、3.4%、3.2%、2.3%、1.2%;所提算法在2种公共图像分类数据集CIFAR-100和tiny-ImageNet中均取得不错表现;模型参数量仅为0.83 M,体积约为基础模型的2/5,在边缘设备JETSON TX2上的单次推理耗时68 ms,实现了推理速度和预测准确率的提升.

关键词: 垃圾图像分类MobileNet v2注意力机制多尺度特征融合迁移学习    

A garbage image classification method based on improved MobileNet v2 was proposed aiming at the problems of poor real-time performance and low classification accuracy of existing garbage image classification models. A lightweight feature extraction network based on MobileNet v2 was constructed. The parameter numbers of the model were reduced by adjusting its width factor, channel and spatial attention modules were embedded in the model to enhance the network's ability to refine features, a multi-scale feature fusion structure was designed to enhance the adaptability of the network to scale, and transfer learning was used to optimize the model parameters to further improve the model accuracy. Experimental results show that the average accuracy of the algorithm on the self built dataset was 94.6%, which was 2.0%, 3.4%, 3.2%, 2.3% and 1.2% higher than that of MobileNet v2, VGG16, GoogleNet, ResNet50 and ResNet101 models, respectively. The proposed algorithm achieved good performance in two public image classification datasets, CIFAR-100 and tiny-ImageNet. The parameter numbers of the model was only 0.83 M, which was about 2/5 of the basic model. The single inference on edge device JETSON TX2 took 68 ms, which proved the improvement of inference speed and prediction accuracy.

Key words: garbage image classification    MobileNet v2    attention mechanism    multi scale feature fusion    transfer learning
收稿日期: 2021-03-18 出版日期: 2021-09-01
CLC:  TP 399  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61763016);江西省03专项及5G资助项目(20204ABC03A15)
通讯作者: 焦海宁     E-mail:;
作者简介: 陈智超(1997—),男,硕士生,从事计算机视觉研究. E-mail:
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陈智超,焦海宁,杨杰,曾华福. 基于改进MobileNet v2的垃圾图像分类算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2021, 55(8): 1490-1499.

Zhi-chao CHEN,Hai-ning JIAO,Jie YANG,Hua-fu ZENG. Garbage image classification algorithm based on improved MobileNet v2. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(8): 1490-1499.


图 1  改进MobileNet v2网络整体框图
输入尺寸 操作 t c n s
2242×3 卷积 ? 16 ? 2
1122×16 Bottleneck_A 1 8 1 1
1122×8 Bottleneck_I 6 8 1 2
562×8 Bottleneck_A 6 12 1 1
562×12 Bottleneck_I 6 12 1 2
282×12 Bottleneck_A 6 16 2 1
282×16 Bottleneck_I 6 16 1 2
142×16 Bottleneck_A 6 32 3 1
142×32 Bottleneck_A 6 48 3 1
142×48 Bottleneck_I 6 48 1 2
72×48 Bottleneck_A 6 80 2 1
72×80 Bottleneck_A 6 160 1 1
72×160 PW卷积 ? 640 ? 1
72×640 平均池化 ? 640 ? 1
72×640 PW卷积 ? 14 ? 1
表 1  改进MobileNet v2网络结构表
图 2  深度可分离卷积计算原理
图 3  2种步长下的瓶颈结构
模型 Atop1/% GFL/M P/M
MobileNet(1.00)[14] 70.6 569 4.2
MobileNet(0.75)[14] 68.4 325 2.6
MobileNet(0.50)[14] 63.7 149 1.3
表 2  不同宽度因子下的MobileNet性能表现
图 4  通道和空间注意力机制
图 5  带注意力机制的反向残差模块(Bottleneck_A)
图 6  Inception v1模块
图 7  多尺度特征融合模块(Bottleneck_I)
垃圾名称 数目/张 垃圾名称 数目/张
毛巾 302 树叶 341
塑料袋 270 纸箱 260
纸团 264 碎玻璃 283
包装袋 291 瓶子 357
橘子皮 287 298
金属块 365 电池 300
灯泡 321 香蕉皮 317
表 3  本研究所提出的数据集样本分布
网络 因素 A/% P/M
CBAM 多尺度
Mobilenet v2 ? ? ? ? 92.6 2.24
0.5 ? ? ? 90.4 0.59
? ? ? 94.3 2.26
? ? ? 93.9 3.09
? ? ? 93.4 2.24
本研究算法 0.5 94.6 0.83
表 4  消融实验结果
图 8  各模型在本研究数据集中的训练曲线
模型 AIM/% ACF/%
本研究算法 68.4 75.4
MobileNet v2 66.2 74.0
ResNet101 72.3 76.5
ResNet50 69.4 74.6
GoogleNet 62.7 63.9
VGG16 64.5 70.5
表 5  各模型在公共数据集中的测试准确率
模型 A/% P/M Ts/ms
本研究算法 94.6 0.83 37.97
MobileNet v2 92.6 2.24 44.32
ResNet101 93.4 42.53 204.94
ResNet50 92.3 23.53 124.22
GoogleNet 91.4 10.35 68.64
VGG16 91.2 70.32 197.28
表 6  各模型在本研究自建数据集中的训练结果对比
图 9  模型识别速度曲线
图 10  垃圾图像识别效果
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