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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (6): 1088-1096, 1134    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.06.005
1. 东北林业大学 黑龙江省林业智能装备工程重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040
2. 哈尔滨工业大学 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150090
Design and optimization of single-finger soft grasp based on strawberry curve
Jian LI1(),Chu-yan DAI1,Yang-wei WANG1,Yan-ling GUO1,Fu-sheng ZHA2
1. Key Laboratory of Forestry Intelligent Equipment Engineering of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
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针对草莓采摘过程中的无损抓取作业需求,改进传统三指软体抓手的结构,基于草莓外部轮廓曲线设计新型单指软体抓手. 基于Abaqus仿真软件对单指抓手完成结构优化,提升弯曲性能,实现软体抓手的完整包裹效果. 改进制造工艺,有效提升单指抓手的重复使用率和安全性. 利用高速摄像机和动态捕捉技术,分析单指抓手上下端面的弯曲变形规律. 测试草莓表面的最小破坏应力和单指抓手的末端力,验证了无损抓取的可行性. 将单指抓手安装在机械臂上进行草莓抓取测试,在模拟草莓自然生长状态时,抓取成功率为80%,破损率为7.5%. 结果表明,气动单指软体抓手可以实现草莓的无损抓取.

关键词: 软体机器人气动驱动有限元仿真优化设计草莓抓取实验    

The structure of the traditional three-finger soft gripper was improved, and a new type of single-finger soft grip was designed based on the strawberry curve for non-destructive grabbing in the process of picking strawberry. Firstly, the structure of the single-finger gripper was optimized based on Abaqus simulation software to realize the complete package of the soft gripper and improve the bending performance. And the manufacturing process was improved to effectively enhance the reuse rate and safety of the single finger gripper. Then, using high speed camera and dynamic capture technology, the bending deformation law of the upper and lower end faces of the single finger gripper was analyzed. Thirdly, both the minimum failure stress on surface of the strawberry and the end force of the soft gripper were test, and the feasibility of nondestructive grasping was verified based on these results. Finally, the single-finger gripper was installed on the manipulator arm to carry out the strawberry grasping test. After simulating the natural growth state of strawberries, the success rate reached 80% and the damage rate was 7.5%. The results proved that the pneumatic single-finger soft gripper could realize the nondestructive grasping of strawberries.

Key words: soft robot    pneumatic    finite element simulation    optimization design    strawberry grasping experiment
收稿日期: 2021-06-16 出版日期: 2022-06-30
CLC:  TH 138  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51905084)
作者简介: 李健(1985—),男,副教授,主要从事机器人技术、仿生学研究. E-mail:
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李健,戴楚彦,王扬威,郭艳玲,查富生. 基于草莓轮廓曲线的单指软体采摘抓手设计与优化[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(6): 1088-1096, 1134.

Jian LI,Chu-yan DAI,Yang-wei WANG,Yan-ling GUO,Fu-sheng ZHA. Design and optimization of single-finger soft grasp based on strawberry curve. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(6): 1088-1096, 1134.


图 1  草莓轮廓提取过程
图 2  单指抓手的设计曲线
参数 数值 参数 数值
单指抓手长度 $ L $ 110.0 气体腔室长度 $ {l_{\text{c}}} $ 4.0
单指抓手高度 $ H $ 38.2 气体腔室宽度 $ {w_{\text{c}}} $ 4.0
腔室层宽度 $ {W_{\text{q}}} $ 7.0 气体腔室间隔 $ {l_{\text{t}}} $ 5.0
腔室层高度 $ {H_{\text{q}}} $ 36.2 气体通道半径 $ {R_{\text{q}}} $ 2.5
加持部分长度 $ {L_{\text{j}}} $ 22.0 气管通道半径 $ {R_{\text{g}}} $ 1.5
气体腔室壁厚 $ {t_{\text{q}}} $ 3.0 限制层端面壁厚 $ {t_{\text{x}}} $ 1.0
表 1  单指抓手的设计参数
图 3  单指抓手的结构示意图
图 4  壁厚参数对驱动器弯曲性能影响
图 5  单指抓手的结构优化方案
图 6  3种型号单指抓手的仿真结果
图 7  单指抓手的制造过程
图 8  单指抓手捕捉点的定位
图 9  单指抓手的弯曲性能测试
图 10  草莓表面破损的应力分析
图 11  单指抓手末端力测试
图 12  单指抓手观测点的安放位置
图 13  单指抓手观测点的空间位移量
图 14  单指抓手抓取实验
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