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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (5): 939-947    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.05.010
浙江工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310023
Sketch-based compatible clothing image generation
Xiao-lu CAO(),Fu-nan LU,Xiang ZHU,Li-bo WENG,Shu-fang LU*(),Fei GAO
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
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针对现有服装图像生成方法多样性不足、兼容性欠缺的问题,提出新的基于草图的兼容性服装生成方法. 允许用户输入草图和参考服装图,生成多样化的服装图像,使得内容上忠于草图的描述,风格上与参考服装兼容. 设计由2个编码网络和1个解码网络构成的新颖网络框架,其中编码网络用于提取参考服装和用户绘制草图的特征,解码用于生成图像. 构建真实性判别网络和兼容性判别网络,设计由对抗损失、重建损失、感知损失、风格损失和边缘损失相结合的多项联合损失函数,引导网络生成逼真的服装图像,并与参考服装图像的风格兼容. 定量实验结果表明,所提方法提高了图像生成质量,整体表现优于基线方法; 定性实验结果表明,所提方法生成图像更符合草图描述,可以生成多样化的结果.

关键词: 服装图像生成深度学习生成对抗网络服装兼容性图像翻译    

A new sketch-based method for generating compatible clothing was proposed, aiming at the lack of diversity and compatibility of the existing clothing image generation methods. Users were allowed to input both sketches and reference clothing drawings to generate diverse clothing images, and the generated images were faithful to the description of the sketch in content and compatible with the reference clothing in style. A novel network framework consisting of two encoding networks and one decoding network was designed. Encoding networks were used to extract the features of the reference clothing and user drawn sketches, and the decoding network was used to generate images. A decoding network was constructed to generated images. The authenticity discrimination network and the compatibility discrimination network were constructed. Several joint loss functions which were composed of the adversarial loss, reconstruction loss, perception loss, style loss and edge loss, were designed to guide the network to generate realistic clothing images, which compatible with the style of reference clothing images. Quantitative experimental results showed that the proposed method improved the quality of generated images, and the overall performance was better than the baseline methods. Qualitative experimental results showed that the proposed method was consistent with the sketch description and could generate the diverse results.

Key words: clothing image generation    deep learning    generative adversarial network    clothing compatibility    image translation
收稿日期: 2022-05-06 出版日期: 2023-05-09
CLC:  TP 391  
基金资助: 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LQ22F020008);浙江省尖兵领雁研发攻关计划项目(2022C01120)
通讯作者: 卢书芳     E-mail:;
作者简介: 曹晓璐(2000—),女,硕士生,从事图像处理研究. E-mail:
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曹晓璐,卢富男,朱翔,翁立波,卢书芳,高飞. 基于草图的兼容性服装生成方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2023, 57(5): 939-947.

Xiao-lu CAO,Fu-nan LU,Xiang ZHU,Li-bo WENG,Shu-fang LU,Fei GAO. Sketch-based compatible clothing image generation. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(5): 939-947.


图 1  基于草图的兼容性服装生成网络架构图
图 2  生成器网络架构
图 3  判别器网络架构
Pix2Pix[3] 0.795 3 50.237 2 4.719 7
CycleGAN[5] 0.546 2 72.322 1 4.228 5
DiscoGAN[12] 0.652 5 51.029 5 4.699 9
CocosNet[18] 0.654 1 38.001 8 4.384 1
CocosNet v2[19] 0.765 9 23.462 4 4.502 6
Anime2Clothing[39] 0.637 4 52.329 3 4.854 3
w/o CSC Block 0.719 2 22.406 4 4.878 7
Ours 0.794 0 20.202 3 4.930 7
表 1  不同方法生成图像的3个指标之间的对比
方法 真实性 得分 兼容性 得分 方法 真实性 得分 兼容性 得分
Pix2Pix[3] 5.44 5.61 CocosNet v2[19] 17.56 17.25
CycleGAN[5] 8.94 9.67 Anime2Clothing[39] 20.00 19.11
DiscoGAN[12] 11.19 12.81 Ours 22.08 21.00
CocosNet[18] 14.78 14.56
表 2  图像真实性与兼容性的主观评估实验结果
图 4  同一输入下的不同方法生成图像的对比结果
图 5  输入同一张草图与不同的参考服装所生成的服装图像对比
图 6  输入同一张参考服装与不同的草图所生成的服装图像对比
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