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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (10): 1891-1899    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.10.001
天津大学 微电子学院,天津 300072
Fire detection algorithm based on improved GhostNet-FCOS
Rong ZHANG(),Wei ZHANG*()
School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
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针对现有火灾检测算法检测精度不佳和算法模型复杂度过高的问题,提出基于改进GhostNet-FCOS的火灾检测算法. 该算法以目标检测网络FCOS为基础,降低通道维数并选用GhostNet作为特征提取网络,以实现轻量化火灾检测算法. 引入动态卷积,在不增加网络宽度和深度的情况下优化主干网络的基础模块,提高对形态多变的火焰图像的特征提取能力. 增加空间注意力模块,优化网络空间特征的表达. 改进正负样本定义和回归损失函数,优化训练过程中算法模型对标注框内不同区域的关注程度. 在自建火灾数据集和公开数据集中的实验结果表明,该算法在检测精度和模型复杂度方面具有优势. 该算法在自建火灾数据集中的检测精度为90.9%,参数量为4.58×106,浮点计算量为31.45×109.

关键词: 火灾检测目标检测FCOSGhostNet动态卷积注意力模块    

A fire detection algorithm based on improved GhostNet-FCOS was proposed in view of the low detection accuracy and high complexity of existing fire detection algorithms. The algorithm was based on FCOS with reduced channel dimensions, and GhostNet was selected as the feature extraction network to implement a lightweight fire detection algorithm. Dynamic convolution was introduced to optimize the basic modules of the backbone without increasing width and depth, resulting in improved feature extraction ability for variable flames. A spatial attention module was introduced into the backbone network in order to optimize the expression of network spatial features. The definition of positive and negative samples and the regression loss function were improved to optimize the network’s attention to different areas in the ground truth box during the training process. The experimental results in self-built fire dataset and public dataset show that the algorithm has advantages in detection accuracy and model complexity. The detection accuracy of the algorithm in the self-built fire dataset was 90.9%, the amount of parameter was 4.58×106, and the floating point operation was 31.45×109.

Key words: fire detection    object detection    FCOS    GhostNet    dynamic convolution    attention module
收稿日期: 2021-11-03 出版日期: 2022-10-25
CLC:  TP 391  
基金资助: 新一代人工智能科技重大专项资助项目(19ZXZNGX00030)
通讯作者: 张为     E-mail:;
作者简介: 张融(1997—),男,硕士生,从事数字图像处理、模式识别的研究. E-mail:
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张融,张为. 基于改进GhostNet-FCOS的火灾检测算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(10): 1891-1899.

Rong ZHANG,Wei ZHANG. Fire detection algorithm based on improved GhostNet-FCOS. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(10): 1891-1899.


图 1  基于改进GhostNet-FCOS的火灾检测算法的整体结构
输入 操作 扩张系数 输出 注意力 步长
3 3×3 conv 16 2
16 Ghost bottleneck 16 16 1
16 Ghost bottleneck 48 24 2
24 Ghost bottleneck 72 24 1
24 Ghost bottleneck 72 40 2
40 Ghost bottleneck 120 40 1
40 Ghost bottleneck 240 80 2
80 Ghost bottleneck 200 80 1
80 Ghost bottleneck 184 80 1
80 Ghost bottleneck 184 80 1
80 Ghost bottleneck 480 112 1
112 Ghost bottleneck 672 112 1
112 Ghost bottleneck 672 160 2
160 Ghost bottleneck 960 160 1
160 Ghost bottleneck 960 160 1
160 Ghost bottleneck 960 160 1
160 Ghost bottleneck 960 160 1
160 1×1 conv 960 1
表 1  改进GhostNet的网络结构
图 2  结合动态卷积的Ghost模块
图 3  空间注意力模块
图 4  中心采样策略
图 5  火灾检测公共数据集
检测网络-通道数 主干网络 AP50/% AR/% P/106 FLOPs/109 v/(帧·s?1)
FCOS-256 ResNet50 91.4 56.2 74.13 200.5 18.0
FCOS-128 ShuffleNetV2 1.0× (g=3) 83.9 51.7 3.06 31.99 33.5
FCOS-128 ShuffleNetV2 2.0× 85.6 53.9 7.34 41.68 32.3
FCOS-128 MobileNetV2 86.2 53.2 4.04 35.22 29.1
FCOS-128 MobileNetV3 86.6 52.5 4.74 33.35 29.6
FCOS-128 GhostNet 86.5 52.4 4.45 30.45 28.6
表 2  轻量级主干网络的对比
算法 动态卷积模块 空间注意力模块 监督信号和损失函数 AP50/% AR/% P/106 v/(帧·s?1)
FCOS 91.4 56.2 74.13 18.0
GhostNet-FCOS 86.5 52.4 4.45 28.6
本文算法 88.7 53.8 4.58 25.1
本文算法 90.1 54.2 4.58 24.1
本文算法 90.9 55.1 4.58 24.1
表 3  消融实验的结果
图 6  改进监督信号和损失函数前、后的检测效果对比
算法 TPR/% TNR/%
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
文献[25] 92.50 94.21 95.45
文献[26] 92.25 94.59 96.15
文献[27] 93.00 94.98 96.50
文献[28] 93.10 95.70 100
文献[2] 96.15 100.0 94.29 100 95.20
文献[29] 91.20 95.80
文献[3] 93.30 94.70
文献[30] 91.00 93.00 100
本文算法1 96.66 96.53 99.59 95.41 96.10
本文算法2 98.75 100 100 99.23 99.35
表 4  与基于传统图像特征的火灾检测算法对比
图 7  Ghost-FCOS在改进前、后的检测效果对比
算法 AP50/% AR/% P/106 FLOPs/109
YOLOV3 Tiny [31] 76.5 43.2 8.67 16.24
YOLOV3-MobileNet[32] 82.6 46.8 22.67 53.46
SSD-MobileNetV2 [33] 76.6 46.9 5.45 8.08
本文算法 90.9 55.1 4.58 31.45
表 5  与用于火灾检测的轻量级目标检测网络对比
图 8  实验与真实火灾的检测效果图
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