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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (1): 155-169    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.01.016
Survey on program representation learning
Jun-chi MA(),Xiao-xin DI,Zong-tao DUAN,Lei TANG
College of Information Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China
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There has been a trend of intelligent development using artificial intelligence technology in order to improve the efficiency of software development. It is important to understand program semantics to support intelligent development. A series of research work on program representation learning has emerged to solve the problem. Program representation learning can automatically learn useful features from programs and represent the features as low-dimensional dense vectors in order to efficiently extract program semantic and apply it to corresponding downstream tasks. A comprehensive review to categorize and analyze existing research work of program representation learning was provided. The mainstream models for program representation learning were introduced, including the frameworks based on graph structure and token sequence. Then the applications of program representation learning technology in defect detection, defect localization, code completion and other tasks were described. The common toolsets and benchmarks for program representation learning were summarized. The challenges for program representation learning in the future were analyzed.

Key wordssoftware engineering      representation learning      program semantics      neural network      deep learning     
Received: 08 March 2022      Published: 17 January 2023
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  国家自然基金青年资助项目(62002030);陕西省重点研发资助项目(2019ZDLGY17-08, 2019ZDLGY03-09-01, 2019GY-006, 2020GY-013)
Cite this article:

Jun-chi MA,Xiao-xin DI,Zong-tao DUAN,Lei TANG. Survey on program representation learning. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(1): 155-169.

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为了提高软件的开发效率,目前已出现应用人工智能技术进行智能化开发的趋势,如何理解程序语义是智能化开发中需要重点解决的问题. 针对该问题,出现了一系列程序表示学习的研究,程序表示学习可以自动地从程序中学习有用的特征,将特征表示为低维稠密向量,高效地提取程序语义并使用于相应的下游任务. 对程序表示学习的研究工作进行综述,介绍了主流的程序表示学习模型,包括基于图结构和基于token序列的程序表示学习框架. 展示了程序表示学习技术在缺陷检测、缺陷定位、代码补全等任务上的应用,总结了程序表示学习的常用工具集和测试集. 分析了程序表示学习未来需要应对的挑战.

关键词: 软件工程,  表示学习,  程序语义,  神经网络,  深度学习 
Fig.1 Flow chart of program representation learning
研究思路 相关文献
思路1:基于AST路径表示学习 Code2vec[8]、code2seq[9]、文献[10]、mocktail[11]
思路2:基于子树表示学习 CAST[12]、ASTNN[13]、InferCode[14]、TreeCaps[15]、文献[16]
思路3:扁平化AST 文献[17]、DeepCom[18]、文献[19]、
思路4:基于网络表示学习 文献[22]、CCAG[23]、文献[24]
Tab.1 AST-based model
模型 相关文献
n-gram语言模型 文献[36~38]
RNN 文献[6, 39]
LSTM 文献[40, 41]
GRU 文献[42, 43]
Tab.2 Model based on token sequence
相关文献 语法模型 语义模型 融合方式
代码token AST CDFG DFG CFG PDG 向量连接 向量均值 多层感知机 矩阵乘法
Tab.3 Model based on the fusion of grammar and semantics
应用 问题属性 常用图结构 常用技术
AST 依赖图
缺陷修复 生成序列 序列到序列模型、NMT模型框架
命名推荐 生成序列 序列到序列模型、NMT模型框架
代码补全 生成序列 序列到序列模型、NMT模型框架
注释生成 生成序列 序列到序列模型、NMT模型框架
代码克隆检测 相似性比较 孪生网络
二进制代码的相关应用 相似性比较 孪生网络
Tab.4 Typical application of program representation learning
应用名称 测试集
缺陷检测 SARD,Defects4J,POJ-104[101]
缺陷定位 文献[102]的测试集
缺陷修复 DeepFix,ManySStuBs4J
命名推荐 CodeSearchNet
代码补全 WikiSQL,CodeXGLUE,CoNaLa
注释生成 CodeSearchNet,PyTorrent,DeepCom
代码克隆检测 POJ-104,BigCloneBench
异构设备映射 文献[103]的测试集
Tab.5 Benchmarks for program representation learning
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[1] Hua HUANG,Qiu-ge ZHAO,Zai-xing HE,Jia-ran LI. Contour error control of two-axis system based on LSTM and Newton iteration[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(1): 10-20.
[2] Chen YE,Hong-fei ZHAN,Ying-jun LIN,Jun-he YU,Rui WANG,Wu-chang ZHONG. Design knowledge recommendation based on inference-context-aware activation model[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(1): 32-46.
[3] Li-zhao DAI,Wei CAO,Shan-chang YI,Lei WANG. Damage identification of concrete structure based on WPT-SVD and GA-BPNN[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(1): 100-110.
[4] Jin-zhen LIU,Fei CHEN,Hui XIONG. Open electrical impedance imaging algorithm based on multi-scale residual network model[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(9): 1789-1795.
[5] Wan-liang WANG,Tie-jun WANG,Jia-cheng CHEN,Wen-bo YOU. Medical image segmentation method combining multi-scale and multi-head attention[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(9): 1796-1805.
[6] Kun HAO,Kuo WANG,Bei-bei WANG. Lightweight underwater biological detection algorithm based on improved Mobilenet-YOLOv3[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(8): 1622-1632.
[7] Zheng-yin YANG,Jian HU,Jian-yong YAO,Ying-zhe SHA,Qiu-yu SONG. Fault-tolerant control based on adaptive neural network sliding mode observer[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(8): 1656-1665.
[8] Jun HE,Ya-sheng ZHANG,Can-bin YIN. Operating modes identification of spaceborne SAR based on deep learning[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(8): 1676-1684.
[9] Wei-hong NIU,Xiao-feng HUANG,Wei QI,Hai-bing YIN,Cheng-gang YAN. Fast stepwise all zero block detection algorithm for H.266/VVC[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(7): 1285-1293, 1319.
[10] Ren-peng MO,Xiao-sheng SI,Tian-mei LI,Xu ZHU. Bearing life prediction based on multi-scale features and attention mechanism[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(7): 1447-1456.
[11] Yong-sheng ZHAO,Rui-xiang LI,Na-na NIU,Zhi-yong ZHAO. Shape control method of fuselage driven by digital twin[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(7): 1457-1463.
[12] Zhu-peng WEN,Jie CHEN,Lian-hua LIU,Ling-ling JIAO. Fault diagnosis of wind power gearbox based on wavelet transform and improved CNN[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(6): 1212-1219.
[13] Jun-qi YU,Si-yuan YANG,An-jun ZHAO,Zhi-kun GAO. Hybrid prediction model of building energy consumption based on neural network[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(6): 1220-1231.
[14] Li HE,Shan-min PANG. Face reconstruction from voice based on age-supervised learning and face prior information[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(5): 1006-1016.
[15] Xue-qin ZHANG,Tian-ren LI. Breast cancer pathological image classification based on Cycle-GAN and improved DPN network[J]. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(4): 727-735.