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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (2): 329-337    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.02.014
PORP: parallel optimization strategy of route planning for self-driving vehicles
Tian-lun DAI1(),Bo-han LI1,*(),Ya-lei ZANG1,Hua DAI2,Zi-qiang YU3,Gang CHEN1
1. College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China
2. School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China
3. School of Computer and Control Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
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In order to achieve the parallel optimization of route planning, and solve the problem of high response time of location-based services (LBS) caused by extensive concurrent queries during peak hours, a dual-level grid index (DLG-index) was firstly introduced, and then, based on DLG-index, a parallel optimization algorithm of route planning (PORP) was introduced. The top layer of DLG-index is a skeleton graph consisting of border nodes of the entire graph, and the bottom layer is composed of all grids partitioned by the entire graph. For a given query, the first step is to compute a global path based on the skeleton graph. Then the route planning task is divided into multiple local optimizations in grids passed by the global path. At the same time, each local optimization is maintained independently by different processors. The algorithm can optimize the planned route in real time based on varying traffic conditions. The entire optimization is implemented in several segments, which can be handled by multi-processors and achieve rapid response to massive concurrent queries. Experiments results showed that compared with CANDS algorithm, the response time of PORP was reduced by an average of 49.6% and the processing time was saved by an average of 28.5%.

Key wordsparallel computing      route planning      continuous route planning      index      dynamic road network     
Received: 12 July 2021      Published: 03 March 2022
CLC:  TP 311  
Corresponding Authors: Bo-han LI     E-mail:;
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Tian-lun DAI,Bo-han LI,Ya-lei ZANG,Hua DAI,Zi-qiang YU,Gang CHEN. PORP: parallel optimization strategy of route planning for self-driving vehicles. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(2): 329-337.

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为了实现路径规划并行优化,解决基于位置的服务(LBS)在高峰时段遭遇大量路径规划的并发查询所导致的较高响应时间的问题,提出双层网格(DLG-index)索引,并基于此提出路径规划的并行算法(PORP). 双层索引的顶层由完整路网的边界节点组成,底层由网格组成,网格由完整路网分割而来. 对于一个给定的查询,基于骨架图计算一条全局路径,然后将规划任务划分成多个局部优化任务. 每个局部优化任务对应此查询的全局路径通过的网格,同时,每个局部优化任务由不同的处理器独立维护. 算法能够基于复杂变化的路况,及时调整导航路线,整个调整过程分段实施,可以由多处理器依次协同完成,实现对海量并发查询做出快速响应. 与CANDS算法相比,PORP的响应时间平均减少了49.6%,处理时间平均减少了28.5%.

关键词: 并行计算,  路径规划,  连续路径规划,  索引,  动态路网 
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of prefix path tree
Fig.2 Distributed deployment of DLG-index
Fig.3 Parallel framework of PORP
名称 顶点数 边数
BJ Beijing 188229 436648
NY New York 264346 733846
FLA Florida 1070376 2712798
Tab.1 Road network sets
z=60 z=100 z=140
BJ 27.42 8.81 39.42 19.31 48.92 36.63
NY 29.34 10.84 49.53 21.33 61.94 37.31
FLA 31.42 11.22 54.54 23.54 67.73 42.72
Tab.2 Index building time with different grid sizes s
z=60 z=100 z=140
BJ 3.76 14.43 3.76 15.43 3.66 16.43
NY 3.57 16.49 4.57 18.49 4.57 19.49
FLA 4.48 20.35 6.48 22.35 5.48 21.35
Tab.3 Index maintenance time with different grid sizes s
设置 ${\lambda}$(BJ) $\lambda$(NY) $ \lambda $(FLA)
$ \eta $=5, $ \gamma $=1.1 1.223 1.314 1.274
$ \eta $=7, $ \gamma $=1.2 1.323 1.427 1.327
$ \eta $=9, $ \gamma $=1.3 1.374 1.322 1.482
$ \eta $=11, $ \gamma $=1.4 1.526 1.302 1.423
$ \eta $=13, $ \gamma $=1.5 1.402 1.212 1.323
Tab.4 Improvement ratio with different steps for slot and congestion thresholds
Fig.4 Response time with different grid sizes
Fig.5 Throughout with different response time thresholds
Fig.6 Processing time with different numbers of queries
Fig.7 Travel cost with different path lengths
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