A join query optimization algorithm in multi-blockchain environment |
Si-han DONG1( ),Jun-chang XIN2,3,*( ),Kun HAO1,4,Zhong-ming YAO2,Jin-yi CHEN2 |
1. College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 2. College of Computer Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China 3. Key Laboratory of Big Data Management and Analytics ( Liaoning Province) , Shenyang 110819, China) 4. Neusoft Corporation Research Center of Liaoning Promotion for Blockchain Engineering Technology, Shenyang 110819, China |
Abstract A join query optimization algorithm in a multiple blockchain environment was proposed, in order to improve the efficiency of join query processing on multi-blockchain. In this method, semantic information is added to the traditional multi-blockchain model, and a semantic multi-blockchain model is constructed to provide a basis for join query on multi-blockchain. Based on this model, referring to the index structure of the distributed database, a join index structure was proposed, which realizes attribute connection of multiple blockchains, improves the efficiency of connection calculation, and reduces the communication cost of data transmission. On these basis, a optimization algorithm about multi-blockchain join query was proposed to improve the efficiency of multi-blockchain connection query. The empirical study of the proposed method was conducted on two real public data sets. Results show that the connection index structure between multiple blockchains is stable. Compared with the traditional join query operation, multiple blockchain connection query optimization method simplifies the query processing process. Query results can be directly obtained by accessing the join index, which reduces local computing load and network overhead, and improves query efficiency.
Received: 14 July 2021
Published: 03 March 2022
Corresponding Authors:
Jun-chang XIN
E-mail: dongsihan@stumail.neu.edu.cn;xinjunchang@mail.neu.edu.cn
为了提高多区块链间的连接查询处理效率,提出多区块链环境下的连接查询优化算法. 该方法在传统的多区块链模型中增加语义信息,构建语义多区块链模型,为多区块链间的连接查询提供基础. 基于该模型,参考分布式数据库的索引结构,提出多区块链间的连接索引结构,将多条区块链进行属性连接,提高连接计算的效率,减少数据传输的通信代价. 在此基础上,提出多链连接查询优化算法,提升多区块链连接查询的效率. 最后,在2个真实公开的数据集上进行实验. 结果表明,多区块链间的连接索引结构稳定;与传统的直接进行连接查询的操作相比,多区块链连接查询优化方法简化了查询处理过程,通过访问连接索引直接获取查询结果,减少了本地计算负载和网络开销,提高了查询效率.
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