Optimization of parallel disassembly line balancing problem with different operators between workstations |
Ze-qiang ZHANG( ),Pei-yu XU,Jin JIANG,Yu ZHANG |
Technology and Equipment of Rail Transit Operation and Maintenance Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China |
Abstract A mixed integer programming model was constructed for parallel disassembly line balancing problem aiming at the problem that the task definition of each disassembly line is unclear and the mathematical models are conceptual models in the existing parallel disassembly line. The difference of operators between workstations was considered. The number of workstations, the number of robots, disassembly cost and idle time balancing index were minimized. An improved brain storm optimization algorithm was proposed. A feasible disassembly sequence was constructed through double-layer coding, and the original operation was discretized. A mutation and crossover mode was designed corresponding to the generation mechanism of a single individual and two individuals. The operation strategy of four-point crossover was designed in order to increase the diversity of population individuals. Pareto solution set and crowding distance were introduced to screen non-inferior solutions of multi-objectives aiming at the multiplicity of optimization objectives. CPLEX and LINGO were used to solve the exact solution of small-scale examples. The correctness of the model and the effectiveness of the algorithm were verified compared with the results of the algorithm. The algorithm was applied to solve P25 classic examples and compared with the results of many existing literatures. The superiority of the algorithm was verified. The proposed model and algorithm were applied to the parallel disassembly line of TV and refrigerator, and the advantages of the proposed algorithm were verified by different comparative experiments.
Received: 20 April 2021
Published: 27 October 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51205328,51675450);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目(18YJC630255);四川省科技计划资助项目(2019YFG0285) |
针对现有并行拆卸线对各拆卸线任务定义不明确且数学模型均为概念模型,考虑站间操作者不同,构建以最小化工作站数目、机器人数量、拆卸成本和空闲时间均衡指标为优化目标的并行拆卸线平衡问题的混合整数规划模型. 提出适应该问题的改进头脑风暴优化算法,该算法通过双层编码构造可行拆卸序列,离散化原始操作,设计单个个体和2个个体产生机制的变异交叉方式. 为了增加种群个体的多样性,设计四点交叉的操作策略. 针对优化目标的多重性,引入Pareto解集思想和拥挤距离筛选多目标非劣解. 应用CPLEX和LINGO求解小规模算例精确解,与算法求解结果对比,验证了该模型的正确性与算法的有效性. 应用该算法求解P25经典算例,与现有的多篇文献结果对比,验证了该算法求解性能的优越性. 将所建模型和所提算法应用于电视机与电冰箱的并行拆卸线实例中,通过不同的对比实验验证了所提算法的优越性.
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