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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (11): 2151-2160    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2021.11.016
Hydraulic fracturing modeling of quasi-brittle materials based on pore pressure cohesive interface elements
Ke-lai YU1(),Zhen-jun YANG2,*(),Xin ZHANG1,Guo-hua LIU1,Hui LI2
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2. Hubei Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Structural Safety, School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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In traditional numerical methods, pre-defined crack paths are often assumed and flow effects of fluids are often simplified as equivalent pressure loads on the crack when modelling hydraulic fracture, which makes it difficult to reflect the coupling effects of seepage and fracture. In this study, a highly efficient Python code was developed to insert pore pressure cohesive interface elements into the solid finite element mesh, and the coupling mechanism of seepage-fracture was considered to model the complicated hydraulic fracture process in quasi-brittle materials. The effectiveness of the model was validated by the simulations of the classic theoretical model and experimental results. Furthermore, the whole process of hydraulic fracture with multiple pre-existing cracks was simulated, the meso-scale hydraulic fracture model of concrete was established, and the influences of aggregates, interface transition zone and permeability of matrix were analyzed. Results show that the developed model can reliably simulate complicated hydraulic fracture problems of quasi-brittle materials, the multi-crack propagation is accompanied by the bifurcation propagation of micro cracks rather than smooth crack propagation trajectory. The aggregates and interface transition zone affect the fracture trajectory, and the bifurcation of crack is generated. The permeability of concrete matrix affects its resistance of hydraulic fracture and failure softening process.

Key wordsconcrete      hydraulic fracture      fluid-structure interaction      cohesive element      pore pressure      Python script      ABAQUS     
Received: 28 December 2020      Published: 05 November 2021
CLC:  TU 528  
  TV 313  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(51974202,51779222,51979244)
Corresponding Authors: Zhen-jun YANG     E-mail:;
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Ke-lai YU,Zhen-jun YANG,Xin ZHANG,Guo-hua LIU,Hui LI. Hydraulic fracturing modeling of quasi-brittle materials based on pore pressure cohesive interface elements. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(11): 2151-2160.

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传统数值方法对水力劈裂的模拟一般采用预设裂缝扩展路径,且将水流作用等效为压力荷载,难以反映裂缝渗流-开裂耦合效应. 采用自编程Python脚本程序批量插入孔隙压力黏结单元,考虑裂缝渗流-开裂耦合作用模拟准脆性材料水力劈裂随机扩展全过程. 在对经典理论模型及试验结果模拟验证的基础上,开展含多裂缝均质模型的水力劈裂全过程分析,并进一步建立混凝土细观尺度水力劈裂模型,分析骨料、界面过渡区和基体渗透性对混凝土劈裂全过程的影响. 结果表明,本研究模型可以有效模拟准脆性材料水力劈裂失效过程,准脆性材料多缝开裂过程伴随微裂缝的分叉扩展而非光滑的裂缝扩展路径,骨料及界面过渡区影响劈裂扩展路径造成裂缝分叉出现,混凝土基体的渗透性对其抵抗水力劈裂不利并影响失效软化过程.

关键词: 混凝土,  水力劈裂,  流固耦合,  黏结单元,  孔隙压力,  Python脚本程序,  ABAQUS 
Fig.1 Fluid flow in a crack
Fig.2 Inserting process of pore pressure cohesive element
Fig.3 Traction-separation response of cohesive element
Fig.4 KGD hydraulic fracture problem
Fig.5 Mesh and boundary of KGD mode
材料 参数 取值
基体 E/GPa 17
ν 0.2
流体 μ/(Pa·s) 0.1
q/(mm2·s?1) 103
COH2D4P单元 $ t_{\text{n}}^0 $/MPa $0.9$
Gn C /Gs C/(N·mm?1) 0.05
Tab.1 Material properties for KGD model
Fig.6 Numerical simulation results of KGD model
Fig.7 Dimensions and loading setting of splitting test specimen
Fig.8 Mesh and splitting result for model
Fig.9 Splitting force - CMOD curves under different water pressure conditions
Fig.10 Influence of pre-existing crack on hydraulic fracturing
Fig.11 Hydraulic fracturing propagation of model with single pre-existing crack
Fig.12 Net fluid pressure distribution in vertical fracture (t=146.1 s)
Fig.13 Influence of pre-existing cracks on hydraulic fracturing
Fig.14 Hydraulic fracture propagation of model with multiple pre-existing cracks
Fig.15 Meso-scale hydraulic fracture model of concrete
Fig.16 Hydraulic fracture results of concrete
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