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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (9): 1693-1703    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.09.002
西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055
Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened by textile-reinforced highly ductile concrete
Min ZHANG(),Ming-ke DENG*(),Ao-long ZHI,Shi-fei SONG,Hui CHEN
School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China
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为了提高钢筋混凝土(RC)梁的受弯承载力,采用纤维织物增强高延性混凝土(TRHDC)对RC梁进行受弯加固,设计2个对比试件和8个TRHDC加固试件. 通过四点弯曲试验,研究纵筋配筋率、织物层数和持载水平对RC梁受弯性能的影响. 试验结果表明:TRHDC加固梁均发生纵筋屈服、织物被拉断、受压区混凝土被压碎的弯曲破坏;纵筋配筋率为0.93%的TRHDC加固梁在纵筋与混凝土界面出现脱黏裂缝. 与RC梁相比,TRHDC加固使梁的开裂荷载、屈服荷载和峰值荷载显著提高,最大提高幅度分别为1.61倍、65.9%和39.2%,裂缝发展被有效限制,但RC梁的位移延性系数降低2.6%~74.5%. 增加织物层数将使加固梁的屈服荷载和峰值荷载的提高幅度非线性增加,该变化与纵筋配筋率有关;当持载水平由对比梁屈服荷载的50%升至80%时,加固梁的屈服荷载减小8.6%,峰值荷载及相应挠度分别增大3.2%和13.9%. 提出TRHDC加固层滞后应变和TRHDC加固梁受弯承载力的计算方法,所得计算结果与试验结果吻合良好.

关键词: 纤维织物增强高延性混凝土(TRHDC)钢筋混凝土(RC)梁受弯加固二次受力受弯承载力    

Textile-reinforced highly ductile concrete (TRHDC) was used to strengthen the reinforced concrete (RC) beams, to improve the flexural capacity of RC beams. Two control beams and eight TRHDC-strengthened beams were designed. And the effect of the longitudinal reinforcement ratio, the number of textile layers, and the level of sustained load on the flexural behavior of RC beams were investigated using the four-point bending test. Experimental results showed that TRHDC-strengthened beams failed in flexural with the longitudinal reinforcement yielding, textile fracturing, and compressive concrete crushing. The debonding cracks at the surface between the longitudinal rebar and the concrete were observed in TRHDC-strengthened beams with a longitudinal reinforcement ratio of 0.93%. Compared with RC beams, TRHDC strengthening method significantly improved the cracking load, yielding load, and peak load of beams, with the highest increase rates reaching 1.61 times, 65.9%, and 39.2%, respectively. Furthermore, this method effectively limited the development of cracks while decreasing the displacement ductility index of RC beams in the range of 2.6%-74.5%. The improvement in the yielding load and peak load of the strengthened beam nonlinearly increased with the number of textile layers, which depends on the longitudinal reinforcement ratio. When the sustained load level increased from 50% to 80% of the yielding load of the control beam, the yielding load of the strengthened beam was decreased by 8.6%, and the peak load and the corresponding deflection were increased by 3.2% and 13.9%, respectively. The calculation method for the lag strain of the TRHDC strengthening layer and the flexural capacity of TRHDC-strengthened beams was proposed, and the results was in good agreement with the experimental results.

Key words: textile-reinforced highly ductile concrete(TRHDC)    reinforced concrete (RC) beam    flexural strengthening    secondary load    flexural capacity
收稿日期: 2021-08-27 出版日期: 2022-09-28
CLC:  TU 375  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51878545); 西安市科技创新计划项目(20191522415KYPT015JC017)
通讯作者: 邓明科     E-mail:;
作者简介: 张敏(1992―),女,博士生,从事土木工程新材料研究. E-mail:
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张敏,邓明科,智奥龙,宋诗飞,陈晖. 纤维织物增强高延性混凝土加固RC梁的受弯性能[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(9): 1693-1703.

Min ZHANG,Ming-ke DENG,Ao-long ZHI,Shi-fei SONG,Hui CHEN. Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened by textile-reinforced highly ductile concrete. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(9): 1693-1703.


试件编号 纵向受拉钢筋/mm ρs/% 加固材料 SL/%
L 基体
B1 2Φ14 0.93
B2 2Φ14 0.93 1 HDC
B3 2Φ14 0.93 2 HDC
B4 2Φ14 0.93 3 HDC
B5 2Φ18 1.55
B6 2Φ18 1.55 1 HDC
B7 2Φ18 1.55 2 HDC
B8 2Φ18 1.55 3 HDC
B9 2Φ18 1.55 2 HDC 50
B10 2Φ18 1.55 2 HDC 80
表 1  梁试件设计参数
图 1  纤维织物增强高延性混凝土加固试件截面尺寸及配筋图
图 2  碳纤维织物
参数 数值 参数 数值
网格间距sct/mm 20 密度ρct/(g·cm?3) 1.74
抗拉强度fct,t/MPa 3600 束截面积Act,0/mm2 0.94
弹性模量Ect/GPa 230 伸长率λct/% 1.5
单束承载力Fct,0/N 3200
表 2  碳纤维织物力学性能指标
参数 数值 参数 数值
纤维类型 PVA 弹性模量Ef/GPa 40
直径Df/μm 39 密度ρf/(g·cm?3) 1.3
长度Lf/mm 12 伸长率λf/% 7
抗拉强度ff,t/MPa 1600
表 3  PVA短纤维各项力学性能指标
图 3  纤维织物增强高延性混凝土拉伸试件尺寸
图 4  高延性混凝土与纤维织物增强高延性混凝土单轴受拉应力−应变典型曲线和开裂模式
钢筋类型 D/mm fy/MPa σsu/MPa
HRB400 8 432 612
HRB400 14 430 592
HRB400 18 430 605
表 4  钢筋的力学性能
图 5  受弯试验加载装置与量测
图 6  梁试件裂缝分布及破坏形态
图 7  梁试件的荷载−挠度曲线
试件编号 开裂点 纵筋屈服点 峰值点 极限点 $\dfrac{ { {P_{\text{m} } } }}{ { {P_{ {\text{m,0} } } } } }$ $ \mu $ 破坏形态
$ {P_{{\text{cr}}}} $/ kN Δcr/ mm $ {P_{\text{y}}} $/ kN Δy/ mm $ {P_{\text{m}}} $/ kN Δm/ mm $ {P_{\text{u}}} $/ kN Δu/ mm
B1 17.15 1.13 73.14 6.11 96.15 41.40 81.73 41.98 6.87 A
B2 37.74 1.79 96.57 5.74 109.72 12.17 93.26 38.41 1.141 6.69 B
B3 37.83 1.70 111.38 7.22 118.79 11.60 100.97 39.80 1.235 5.51 B
B4 36.05 1.54 121.31 7.29 133.87 11.46 113.79 12.73 1.392 1.75 B
B5 18.75 0.94 145.64 7.77 164.10 31.39 139.49 36.29 4.67 A
B6 40.61 1.37 160.89 7.80 175.52 13.48 149.19 33.00 1.070 4.23 B
B7 43.97 1.37 174.82 8.62 183.64 13.26 156.09 25.64 1.119 2.97 C
B8 48.97 1.67 177.94 8.67 194.30 12.64 165.16 20.47 1.184 2.36 C
B9 160.92 7.32 187.66 14.13 159.51 23.36 1.143 3.19 C
B10 147.14 6.79 193.72 16.09 164.66 19.41 1.180 2.86 C
表 5  梁试件受弯试验的主要结果
图 8  纤维织物增强高延性混凝土加固梁截面应变沿梁高分布
图 9  钢筋、混凝土和纤维织物增强高延性混凝土的应力−应变曲线
图 10  纤维织物增强高延性混凝土加固层滞后应变计算简图
图 11  第1种破坏模式梁1-1剖面的应力与应变分布
图 12  第2种破坏模式梁1-1剖面的应力与应变分布
试件编号 $ {P_{{\text{u,t}}}} $/ kN $ {P_{{\text{u,cal}}}} $/ kN ${ {P_{ {\text{u,cal} } } } } /{ {P_{ {\text{u,t} } } } }$
B1 96.15 107.32 1.12
B2 109.72 115.43 1.05
B3 118.79 119.12 1.00
B4 133.87 124.76 0.93
B5 164.10 158.89 0.97
B6 175.52 164.46 0.94
B7 183.64 167.03 0.91
B8 194.30 170.99 0.88
B9 187.66 167.03 0.89
B10 193.72 167.03 0.86
表 6  梁试件受弯承载力计算结果与试验结果比较
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