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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (6): 1058-1067    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.06.002
1. 浙江工业大学 土木工程学院,浙江 杭州 310023
2. 同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 2000922
3. 浙江大学城市学院 工程学院,浙江 杭州 310015
Computational method of punching-shear capacity of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars
Xing-lang FAN1(),Sheng-jie GU1,Jia-fei JIANG2,Xi WU3
1. College of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
2. College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
3. College of Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015, China
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基于临界剪切裂缝理论,提出FRP筋混凝土板冲切承载力的计算方法. 该方法考虑拉伸刚化效应的混凝土拉伸应力-应变关系,利用截面分析法确定FRP筋受弯构件的弯矩-曲率关系. 根据混凝土板的变形假定、弯矩-曲率关系以及板的平衡方程,确定FRP筋混凝土板的需求曲线. 收集文献中试验数据对该计算方法进行验证,并将其与其他计算模型进行比较分析. 参数分析结果表明:随着混凝土强度与柱头尺寸的增加,FRP筋板承载力名义应力相应降低,混凝土板的延性呈现增长趋势;随着配筋率与厚度的增加,板冲切承载力的名义应力增大,配筋率与厚度的增加会导致板延性降低,因此在设计中应充分考虑板厚与配筋率对FRP筋混凝土板延性的影响.

关键词: 临界剪切裂缝理论(CSCT)条带法纤维增强复合材料(FRP)筋混凝土板冲切承载力    

A punching-shear capacity model for concrete slabs reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars was proposed based on critical shear crack theory. The moment-curvature relationship of FRP concrete slabs was established by a sectional analysis method, in which the tensile stress-strain relationship of concrete was incorporated with the tension stiffening effect. The demanding curve of FRP concrete slabs was determined by a simplified deformation of concrete slabs, the moment-curvature relationship of FRP concrete slabs, and the equilibrium equations of slabs. The validity of the model was verified with experimental results collected from the literature. At the same time, the accuracy of existing punching-shear models of FRP concrete slabs was compared and evaluated. The parametric analysis results indicate that the nominal punching shear stress in slabs increases but the critical rotation angle of slabs decreases with the increase of FRP reinforcement ratio and effective depth. As the strength of concrete and the loading area increase, the nominal punching shear stress in slabs decreases but the critical rotation angle of slabs increases. The effect of slab thickness and reinforcing ratio on the durability of concrete slabs should be considered in the design of slabs.

Key words: critical shear crack theory (CSCT)    strip method    fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars    concrete slabs    punching shear capacity
收稿日期: 2019-05-08 出版日期: 2020-07-06
CLC:  TU 375.2  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51608481,51708495,51978503)
作者简介: 范兴朗(1983—),男,讲师,博士,从事混凝土结构基本理论研究. E-mail:
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范兴朗,谷圣杰,江佳斐,吴熙. FRP筋混凝土板冲切承载力计算方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(6): 1058-1067.

Xing-lang FAN,Sheng-jie GU,Jia-fei JIANG,Xi WU. Computational method of punching-shear capacity of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(6): 1058-1067.


图 1  FRP筋混凝土板的冲切力-转角关系
图 2  临界剪切裂缝的开展示意图
图 3  扇形单元板中FRP筋、混凝土的内力及合力分布情况
图 4  FRP筋混凝土轴对称板的径向、切向曲率假定分布
图 5  FRP筋混凝土板冲切承载力计算流程图
图 6  FRP筋混凝土受弯构件弯矩-曲率关系计算流程图
图 7  冲切承载力理论值与试验值的比较
文献 试件 L/mm c/mm h/mm d/mm ${f_{\rm c}}^\prime /{\rm{MPa}}$ ${\rho _{\rm f}}/{\text{%}}$ FRP类型 ${f_{\rm{fu}}}/{\rm{MPa}}$ ${E_{\rm f}}/{\rm{GPa}}$
[2] 500 100 75 55 41 0.31 CFRP筋 517 100
500 100 75 55 52.9 0.31 CFRP筋 517 100
[3] C1 900 150 120 96 36.7 0.27 CFRP筋 1 690 91.8
C1' 900 230 120 96 37.3 0.27 CFRP筋 1 690 91.8
C2 900 150 120 95 35.7 1.05 CFRP筋 1 340 95
C2' 900 230 120 95 36.3 1.05 CFRP筋 1 340 95
C3 900 150 150 126 33.8 0.52 CFRP筋 1 350 92
C3' 900 230 150 126 34.3 0.52 CFRP筋 1 350 92
CS 900 150 120 95 32.6 0.19 GFRP筋 2 300 147
CS' 900 150 120 95 33.2 0.19 GFRP筋 2 300 147
H1 900 150 120 95 118 0.62 混合筋 665 37.3
H2 900 150 120 89 35.8 3.76 混合筋 555 40.7
H2' 900 80 120 89 35.9 3.76 混合筋 555 40.7
H3 900 150 150 122 32.1 1.22 混合筋 640 44.8
H3' 900 80 150 122 32.1 1.22 混合筋 640 44.8
[5] GFR1 1 670 250 155 120 29.5 0.73 GFRP筋 663 34
GFR2 1 670 250 155 120 28.9 1.46 GFRP筋 663 34
NEF1 1 670 250 155 120 37.5 0.87 GFRP筋 566 28.4
[9] GSL-0.4 2 000 200 150 129 39 0.48 GFRP筋 582 48
GSL-0.6 2 000 200 150 129 39 0.68 GFRP筋 582 48
GSL-0.8 2 000 200 150 129 39 0.92 GFRP筋 582 48
[23] G(0.7)30/20 2 000 300 200 150 34.3 0.71 GFRP筋 769 48.2
G(1.6)30/20 2 000 300 200 150 38.6 1.56 GFRP筋 765 48.1
G(0.7)45/20 2 000 450 200 150 44.9 0.71 GFRP筋 769 48.2
G(1.6)45/20 2 000 450 200 150 32.4 1.56 GFRP筋 765 48.1
G(0.3)30/35 2 000 300 350 300 34.3 0.34 GFRP筋 769 48.2
G(0.7)30/35 2 000 300 350 300 39.4 0.73 GFRP筋 765 48.1
G(0.3)45/35 2 000 450 350 300 48.6 0.34 GFRP筋 769 48.2
G(0.7)45/35 2 000 450 350 300 29.6 0.73 GFRP筋 769 48.2
G(1.6)30/20-H 2 000 300 200 131 75.8 1.56 GFRP筋 1 109 57.4
G(1.2)30/20 2 000 300 200 131 37.5 1.21 GFRP筋 1 334 64.9
G(1.6)30/35 2 000 300 350 275 38.2 1.61 GFRP筋 1 065 56.7
G(1.6)30/35-H 2 000 300 350 275 75.8 1.61 GFRP筋 1 065 56.7
[8] GFU1 2 000 225 150 110 36.3 1.18 GFRP筋 761 48.2
GFB2 2 000 225 150 110 36.3 1.1 GFRP筋 761 48.2
GFB3 2 000 225 150 110 36.3 1.26 GFRP筋 761 48.2
[6] SG1 1 700 200 175 142 32 0.18 GFRP筋 800 45
SC1 1 700 200 175 142 32.8 0.15 GFRP筋 1 400 110
SG2 1 700 200 175 142 46.4 0.38 GFRP筋 800 45
SG3 1 700 200 175 142 30.4 0.38 GFRP筋 800 45
SC2 1 700 200 175 142 29.6 0.35 GFRP筋 1 400 110
[24] G-0.65-N-00XX 2 800 300 200 159 38 0.65 GFRP筋 1 398 68
表 A1  FRP筋混凝土板试件几何及材料参数
图 8  不同参数对FRP筋混凝土板的影响
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