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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (7): 1326-1335    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2024.07.002
Attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolution motor imagery EEG classification
Shuhan WU1(),Dan WANG1,*(),Yuanfang CHEN2,Ziyu JIA3,Yueqi ZHANG1,Meng XU1
1. Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
2. Beijing Institute of Machinery and Equipment, Beijing 100854, China
3. Brainnetome Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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In motor imagery tasks, the brain often involves simultaneous activation of multiple regions, and traditional convolutional neural networks struggle to accurately represent the coordinated neural activity across these regions. Graph convolutional network GCN is suitable for representing the collaborative tasks of different brain regions by considering the connections and relationships between nodes (brain regions) in graph data. Attention-fused filter bank dual-view GCN(AFB-DVGCN)was proposed. A dual-branch network was constructed using filter banks to extract temporal and spatial information from different frequency bands. Information complementarity was achieved by a convolutional spatial feature extraction method for dual-view graphs. In order to improve the classification accuracy, the effective channel attention mechanism was utilized to enhance features and capture the interaction information between different feature maps. Validation results in the publicly available datasets BCI Competition IV-2a and OpenBMI show that AFB-DVGCN has achieved good classification performance, and the classification accuracy is significantly higher than that of the comparison networks.

Key wordsbrain-computer interface      motor imagery      deep learning      graph convolutional network      attention mechanism     
Received: 20 August 2023      Published: 01 July 2024
CLC:  TN 911.7  
  R 318  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(12275295);中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2023M740171).
Corresponding Authors: Dan WANG     E-mail:;
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Shuhan WU,Dan WANG,Yuanfang CHEN,Ziyu JIA,Yueqi ZHANG,Meng XU. Attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolution motor imagery EEG classification. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(7): 1326-1335.

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在运动想象任务中,传统卷积神经网络难以准确表达大脑多区域协同神经活动;图卷积网络(GCN)能够在图数据中考虑节点(脑区)间的连接和关系,适于表示不同脑区的协同任务,为此提出融合注意力的滤波器组双视图GCN(AFB-DVGCN). 由滤波器组构建双分支网络,提取不同频段的时域和空域信息;采用双视图图卷积空间特征提取方法实现信息互补;利用有效通道注意力机制增强特征和捕捉不同特征图的交互信息,以提高分类准确率. 在公开数据集BCI Competition IV-2a和OpenBMI上的验证结果表明,AFB-DVGCN的分类性能良好,其分类准确率显著高于对比网络的分类准确率.

关键词: 脑机接口,  运动想象,  深度学习,  图卷积网络,  注意力机制 
Fig.1 Overall architecture of attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolutional network
1输入$ \text{(}\text{1}\text{,}{{N}}_{\text{e}}\text{,}{{F}}_{\text{t}}\text{)} $
DVGCN$ {{F}}_{\text{t}}\text{+}\text{2?}{{N}}_{\text{e}}\text{?}{{N}}_{\text{e}} $$ \text{(1}\text{,}{{N}}_{\text{e}}\text{,}{{F}}_{\text{t}}\text{)} $
二维卷积50$ \text{(1,}\text{25}\text{)} $$ {{F}}_{\text{1}}\text{?}{25}\text{+}{{F}}_{\text{1}} $$ ({{F}}_{\text{1}},{N}_{{\mathrm{e}}},{F}_{{\mathrm{t}}}-24) $$ c\text{=1} $
2合并$ ({2\cdot F}_{1},{N}_{{\mathrm{e}}},{{F}}_{\text{t}}-24) $
二维卷积50($ {N}_{{\mathrm{e}}} $,1)$ \text{2?}{{F}}_{\text{1}}\text{?}{{F}}_{\text{1}}\text{?}{{N}}_{\text{e}} $$ ({F}_{1},1,{{F}}_{\text{t}}-24) $$c\text{=1} $
批归一化$ 2{\cdot F}_{1} $$ ({F}_{1},1,{{F}}_{\text{t}}-24) $平方激活
平均池化$ \left(\mathrm{1,75}\right) $$ ({F}_{1},1,({{F}}_{\text{t}}-99)//15+1) $
3丢弃层$ {p}\text{=0.5} $
ECA$ 3 $$ ({{F}}_{\text{1}},1,({{F}}_{\text{t}}-99)//15+1) $
分类压平$ ({{F}}_{\text{1}}\cdot (({{F}}_{\text{t}}-99)//15+1\left)\right) $
全连接层$ {{F}}_{\text{1}}\text{?}\text{((}{{F}}_{\text{t}}-\text{99)//15+1)}\text{?}{N}_{{\mathrm{c}}}+{N}_{{\mathrm{c}}} $$ {N}_{{\mathrm{c}}} $c=0.5
Tab.1 Architecture of attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolutional network
Fig.2 Structure of effective channel attention
分类方法BCI Competition IV-2aOpenBMI
Tab.2 Hold-out comparative classification results
Fig.3 Confusion matrices on two publicly available datasets for proposed network
Fig.4 Visualization results of attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolutional network on BCI Competition IV-2a dataset
Fig.5 Visualization results of attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolutional network on OpenBMI dataset
BCI Competition IV-2aOpenBMI
AFB-DVGCN 77.392* 72.657*
Tab.3 Results of ablation experiments
Fig.6 Topographical distribution of power during left-hand trials for subject 4 in BCI Competition IV-2a dataset
Fig.7 Topographical distribution of power during left-hand trials for subject 33 in OpenBMI dataset
Fig.8 Distance adjacency matrices visualization for two publicly available datasets in different frequency bands
Fig.9 Functional adjacency matrices visualization for BCI Competition IV-2a dataset
Fig.10 Functional adjacency matrices visualization for OpenBMI dataset
BCI Competition IV-2aOpenBMI
2 77.392 72.658
Tab.4 Classification accuracy of attention-fused filter bank dual-view graph convolutional network with different numbers of filters
注意力机制BCI Competition IV-2aOpenBMI
Triplet Attention[30]72.9550.6550.156129 14070.0650.4010.167112 702
NAM[31]74.6530.6620.108128 94069.5830.3921.660112 502
SimAM[32]72.7620.6370.116128 84067.3430.3470.142112 402
ECA[9] 77.392*0.6990.103128 843 72.657*0.4530.142112 405
Tab.5 Performance comparison of different attention mechanisms in two publicly available datasets
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