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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (4): 684-695    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2024.04.004
Traffic scene perception algorithm with joint semantic segmentation and depth estimation
Kang FAN1(),Ming’en ZHONG1,*(),Jiawei TAN2,Zehui ZHAN1,Yan FENG1
1. Fujian Key Laboratory of Bus Advanced Design and Manufacture, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China
2. School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
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Inspired by the idea that feature information between different pixel-level visual tasks can guide and optimize each other, a traffic scene perception algorithm based on multi-task learning theory was proposed for joint semantic segmentation and depth estimation. A bidirectional cross-task attention mechanism was proposed to achieve explicit modeling of global correlation between tasks, guiding the network to fully explore and utilize complementary pattern information between tasks. A multi-task Transformer was constructed to enhance the spatial global representation of specific task features, implicitly model the cross-task global context relationship, and promote the fusion of complementary pattern information between tasks. An encoder-decoder fusion upsampling module was designed to effectively fuse the spatial details contained in the encoder to generate fine-grained high-resolution specific task features. The experimental results on the Cityscapes dataset showed that the mean IoU of semantic segmentation of the proposed algorithm reached 79.2%, the root mean square error of depth estimation was 4.485, and the mean relative error of distance estimation for five typical traffic participants was 6.1%. Compared with the mainstream algorithms, the proposed algorithm can achieve better comprehensive performance with lower computational complexity.

Key wordsperception of traffic environment      multi-task learning      semantic segmentation      depth estimation      Transformer     
Received: 06 September 2023      Published: 27 March 2024
CLC:  TP 391.4  
Fund:  福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2023J011439,2019J01859).
Corresponding Authors: Ming’en ZHONG     E-mail:;
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Kang FAN,Ming’en ZHONG,Jiawei TAN,Zehui ZHAN,Yan FENG. Traffic scene perception algorithm with joint semantic segmentation and depth estimation. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2024, 58(4): 684-695.

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受不同像素级视觉任务间的特征信息能够相互指导和优化的思路启发,基于多任务学习理论提出联合语义分割和深度估计的交通场景感知算法. 提出双向跨任务注意力机制,实现任务间的全局相关性显式建模,引导网络充分挖掘和利用任务间互补模式信息. 构建多任务Transformer,增强特定任务特征的空间全局表示,实现跨任务全局上下文关系的隐式建模,促进任务间互补模式信息的融合. 设计编-解码融合上采样模块来有效融合编码器蕴含的空间细节信息,生成精细的高分辨率特定任务特征. 在Cityscapes数据集上的实验结果表明,所提算法的语义分割平均交并比达到79.2%,深度估计均方根误差为4.485,针对5类典型交通参与者的距离估计平均相对误差为6.1%,能够以比现有主流算法更低的计算复杂度获得更优的综合性能.

关键词: 交通环境感知,  多任务学习,  语义分割,  深度估计,  Transformer 
Fig.1 Overall structure of SDFormer
Fig.2 Overall structure of bidirectional cross-task attention module
Fig.3 Overall structure of multi-task Transformer module
Fig.4 Overall structure of encoder-decoder fusion upsampling module
Tab.1 Results of SDFormer ablation experiments
Fig.5 Comparison of semantic segmentation effects between MTL and SDFormer
Fig.6 Comparison of depth estimation effects between MTL and SDFormer
Tab.2 Performance comparison of different bidirectional cross-task feature interaction modules
Tab.3 Results of multi-task Transformer module ablation experiments
Tab.4 Experimental results of performance comparison for different encoders
Tab.5 Comparison of semantic segmentation performance between SDFormer and single-task algorithms
Tab.6 Comparison of depth estimation performance between SDFormer and single-task algorithms
Tab.7 Performance comparison results of different multi-task algorithms
Fig.7 Comparison of semantic segmentation effects between SDFormer and InvPT
Fig.8 Comparison of depth estimation effects between SDFormer and InvPT
Tab.8 Comparison of distance estimation errors of different multi-task algorithms
Tab.9 Distance estimation errors of SDFormer in different distance ranges
Fig.9 Display of distance prediction effects of SDFormer in different distance ranges
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