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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (10): 1923-1932    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.10.002
Chest X-ray imaging disease diagnosis model assisted by deformable Transformer
Jin-bo HU1(),Wei-zhi NIE1,Dan SONG1,*(),Zhuo GAO2,Yun-peng BAI3,Feng ZHAO3
1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
2. School of Information, Changchun Polytechnic, Changchun 130033, China
3. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tianjin Chest Hospital, Tianjin 300222, China
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A disease diagnosis model for chest X-ray images assisted by deformable Transformer was proposed, aiming at the problems of gray fog phenomenon and overlapping lesion areas in chest X-ray images. The extended residual network ResNet50 was used as a feature extraction network. A compressed dual attention module was added to enhance the feature difference between the lesion area and the non-lesion area, further reduced the interference of redundant information and improved the feature extraction of image data. Through the cross-attention module inside the deformable Transformer decoder, category representations were introduced as the priori knowledge to guide further fusion of image features and improve the feature discrimination of different diseases in the case of overlapping image regions. Output of the decoder was passed into the classifier to obtain the final diagnosis. Both the compressed dual attention module and the deformable Transformer can reduce the computational complexity of the model. The asymmetric loss function was introduced to solve the imbalance of positive and negative samples. The proposed model was subjected to multiple sets of experiments on public datasets ChestX-Ray14 and CheXpert. The area under curve (AUC) on two datasets reached 0.839 8 and 0.906 1 respectively, indicating the correctness and validity of the model for disease diagnosis on chest X-ray images.

Key wordschest X-ray image classification      deformable transformer      compressed dual attention      asymmetric loss function      priori knowledge     
Received: 01 September 2022      Published: 18 October 2023
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(61902277,62272337)
Corresponding Authors: Dan SONG     E-mail:;
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Jin-bo HU,Wei-zhi NIE,Dan SONG,Zhuo GAO,Yun-peng BAI,Feng ZHAO. Chest X-ray imaging disease diagnosis model assisted by deformable Transformer. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(10): 1923-1932.

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针对胸部X光影像中的灰雾现象、病变区域重叠等问题,提出可形变Transformer辅助的胸部X光影像疾病诊断模型. 将扩展后的ResNet50作为特征提取网络,添加压缩型双注意力模块,增强病变区域与非病变区域之间的特征差异,降低冗余信息的干扰,提高图像数据的特征提取效果;通过可形变Transformer解码器内部的交叉注意力模块,引入类别表征作为先验知识,引导影像特征进一步融合,提高不同疾病在影像区域重叠情况下的特征区分度;将解码器的输出传入分类器中以获得最终的诊断结果. 压缩型双注意力模块和可形变Transformer均起到降低模型计算复杂度的作用,引入非对称损失函数可以更好地解决正负样本不均衡. 利用所提模型在公开数据集ChestX-Ray14和CheXpert上进行多组实验,在2个数据集上的受试者操作的特征曲线下面积值(AUC)分别达到0.839 8和0.906 1,表明该模型在胸部X光影像的疾病诊断方面具有正确性和有效性.

关键词: 胸部X光图像分类,  可形变Transformer,  压缩型双注意力,  非对称损失函数,  先验知识 
Fig.1 Framework of chest X-ray image classification model
Fig.2 Two main residual structures used by ResNet family
Fig.3 Deformable attention module
Fig.4 Compact position attention module
Fig.5 Compact channel attention module
Fig.6 Lesion area maps of 8 common chest diseases
疾病种类 $\overline{{\rm{AUC}}} $/%
Wang等[13] Yao等[15] CheXNet[19] Guendel等[17] Yan等[24] Ma等[25] DuaLAnet[26] Luo等[27] DAM Deformab-
肺不张 0.700 3 0.733 0.779 5 0.767 0.792 4 0.777 0.783 0.789 1 0.803 6 0.820 1
心脏肿大 0.810 0 0.856 0.881 6 0.883 0.881 4 0.894 0.884 0.906 9 0.884 7 0.911 5
积液 0.758 5 0.806 0.826 8 0.828 0.841 5 0.829 0.832 0.841 8 0.879 8 0.890 2
渗透 0.661 4 0.673 0.689 4 0.709 0.709 5 0.696 0.708 0.718 4 0.704 1 0.714 4
肿块 0.693 3 0.718 0.830 7 0.821 0.847 0 0.838 0.837 0.837 6 0.828 4 0.864 9
肺结节 0.668 7 0.777 0.781 4 0.758 0.810 5 0.771 0.800 0.798 5 0.732 6 0.772 5
肺炎 0.658 0 0.689 0.735 4 0.731 0.737 9 0.722 0.735 0.741 9 0.745 4 0.762 1
气胸 0.799 3 0.805 0.851 3 0.846 0.875 9 0.862 0.866 0.906 3 0.884 6 0.903 3
肺实变 0.703 2 0.711 0.754 2 0.745 0.759 8 0.750 0.746 0.768 1 0.796 6 0.810 0
水肿 0.805 2 0.806 0.849 6 0.835 0.847 8 0.846 0.841 0.861 0 0.883 9 0.895 8
肺气肿 0.833 0 0.842 0.924 9 0.895 0.942 2 0.908 0.937 0.939 6 0.920 5 0.914 2
纤维变性 0.785 9 0.743 0.821 9 0.818 0.832 6 0.827 0.820 0.838 1 0.800 6 0.808 2
胸膜增厚 0.683 5 0.724 0.792 5 0.761 0.808 3 0.779 0.796 0.803 6 0.784 2 0.814 6
疝气 0.871 7 0.775 0.932 3 0.896 0.934 1 0.934 0.895 0.937 1 0.862 1 0.875 7
$\overline{{\rm{AUC}}}_{\rm{all}} $ 0.745 1 0.761 0.818 0 0.807 0.830 2 0.817 0.820 0.834 9 0.822 1 0.839 8
Tab.1 Comparison of model performance on ChestX-ray14 dataset for classification of various diseases
疾病种类 $\overline { {\text{AUC} } } $/%
U-Ignore U-Zeros U-Ones Guan等[28] Pham等[29] Irvin等[30] Deformab-CDAM-D
肺不张 0.818 0.811 0.858 0.847 0.825 0 0.858 0 0.863 5
心脏肿大 0.828 0.840 0.832 0.868 0.855 0 0.832 0 0.865 5
肺实变 0.938 0.932 0.899 0.923 0.937 0 0.899 0 0.907 9
水肿 0.934 0.929 0.941 0.924 0.930 0 0.941 0 0.942 9
胸膜增厚 0.928 0.931 0.934 0.926 0.923 0 0.934 0 0.951 1
$ \overline {{\text{AUC}}}_{\rm{all}} $ 0.889 2 0.888 6 0.892 8 0.898 0.894 0 0.893 0 0.906 1
Tab.2 Comparison of model performance on CheXpert dataset for classification of various diseases
模型 $ \overline {{\text{AUC}}} $/%
ChestX-ray14 CheXpert
Deformab-CDAM 0.823 3 0.891 9
Deformab-CDAM-D 0.839 8 0.906 1
Tab.3 Effect of feature map resolution on model performance
模型 $ \overline {{\text{AUC}}} $/%
ChestX-ray14 CheXpert
0.834 2
0.838 4
0.899 3
0.902 6
Query+MLP 0.839 8 0.906 1
Tab.4 Effect of prior knowledge on model performance
模型 $ \overline {{\text{AUC}}} $/%
ChestX-ray14 CheXpert
CDAM-D 0.830 1 0.896 5
Deformable-DAM-D 0.829 7 0.896 4
Deformable-CDAM-D 0.839 8 0.906 1
Lable-random 0.823 6 0.893 2
Tab.5 Effect of different modules on model classification performance
模型 T/s
ChestX-ray14 CheXpert
CDAM-D 0.042 0.033
Deformab-DAM-D 0.034 0.028
Deformable-CDAM-D 0.032 0.025
Tab.6 Comparison of different models processing time in ablation experiments
损失函数 $ \overline {{\text{AUC}}} $/%
ChestX-ray14 CheXpert
交叉熵损失函数 0.825 1 0.890 3
焦点损失函数 0.828 6 0.894 2
非对称损失函数 0.839 8 0.906 1
Tab.7 Effect of different loss functions on model classification performance
Fig.7 Comparison between doctor’s marked lesion area (left) and Grad-CAM heat map (right)
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