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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (7): 1278-1286    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.07.002
Lightweight semantic segmentation network for underwater image
Hao-ran GUO(),Ji-chang GUO*(),Yu-dong WANG
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
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A semantic segmentation network was designed for underwater images. A lightweight and efficient encoder-decoder architecture was used by considering the trade-off between speed and accuracy. Inverted bottleneck layer and pyramid pooling module were designed in the encoder part to efficiently extract features. Feature fusion module was constructed in the decoder part in order to fuse multi-level features, which improved the segmentation accuracy. Auxiliary edge loss function was used to train the network better aiming at the problem of fuzzy edges of underwater images, and the edges of segmentation were refined through the supervision of semantic boundaries. The experimental data on the underwater semantic segmentation dataset SUIM show that the network achieves 53.55% mean IoU with an inference speed of 258.94 frames per second on one NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti card for the input image of pixel 320×256, which can achieve real-time processing speed while maintaining high accuracy.

Key wordsimage processing      underwater image      semantic segmentation      edge feature      lightweight network     
Received: 27 July 2022      Published: 17 July 2023
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(62171315)
Corresponding Authors: Ji-chang GUO     E-mail:;
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Hao-ran GUO,Ji-chang GUO,Yu-dong WANG. Lightweight semantic segmentation network for underwater image. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(7): 1278-1286.

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提出面向水下场景的图像语义分割网络,考虑到速度和准确度之间的权衡问题,网络采用轻量且高效的编解码器结构. 在编码器部分,设计倒置瓶颈层和金字塔池化模块,高效地提取特征. 在解码器部分,构建特征融合模块融合多水平特征,提升了分割的准确度. 针对水下图像边缘模糊的问题,使用辅助的边缘损失函数来更好地训练网络,通过语义边界的监督细化分割的边缘. 在水下语义分割数据集SUIM上的实验数据表明,对于320像素×256像素的输入图像,该网络在NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti显卡上的推理速度达到258.94帧/s,mIoU达到53.55%,能够在保证高准确度的同时,达到实时的处理速度.

关键词: 图像处理,  水下图像,  语义分割,  边缘特征,  轻量级网络 
Fig.1 Overall architecture of lightweight semantic segmentation network for underwater image
模块 模块类型 输出尺寸(W×H×C)
3×3卷积(s = 2)
3×3卷积(s = 2)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 3,s = 2)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 6,s = 1)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 3,s = 2)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 6,s = 1)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 3,s = 2)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 6,s = 1)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 12,s = 1)
倒置瓶颈层(r = 18,s = 1)
模块5 池化金字塔模块 10×8×48
Tab.1 Encoder composition of proposed network
Fig.2 Architectures of inverted bottleneck layer and pyramid pooling module
模块 模块类型 输出尺寸(W×H×C)
第3阶段 上采样(8倍) 320×256×N
Tab.2 Decoder composition of proposed network
Fig.3 Architecture of feature fusion module
Fig.4 Edge feature extractions of Ground Truth and segmentation results
Fig.5 Experimental results on SUIM dataset of proposed network compared with classical network
Fig.6 Experimental results on seagrass dataset of proposed network compared with classical network
Fig.7 Experimental failure cases on SUIM dataset of proposed network
语义分割模型 IoU/% mIoU/% PA/%
本文方法 84.62 63.99 18.46 41.84 61.93 53.44 46.00 58.42 53.55 85.32
U-Net[3] 79.46 32.25 21.85 33.94 23.65 50.28 38.16 42.16 39.85 79.44
SegNet[2] 80.63 45.67 17.45 32.24 55.72 47.62 43.92 51.51 46.85 82.19
Deeplab[4] 81.82 50.26 17.05 43.33 63.60 57.18 43.59 55.35 51.52 84.27
PSPNet[7] 82.51 65.04 28.54 46.56 62.88 55.80 46.78 55.98 55.51 86.41
GCN[24] 79.32 38.57 15.09 30.38 54.25 49.94 36.09 52.02 44.46 81.28
OCNet[15] 83.14 64.03 24.31 43.11 61.78 54.92 47.41 54.97 54.30 85.89
SUIMNet[13] 80.64 63.45 23.27 41.25 60.89 53.12 46.02 57.12 53.22 85.22
LEDNet[19] 82.96 58.47 18.02 42.86 50.96 58.13 46.13 54.99 51.36 84.25
BiseNetv2[21] 83.67 59.29 18.27 39.58 56.54 58.16 47.33 56.93 52.47 84.96
ENet[14] 80.94 50.60 16.97 36.71 51.73 49.24 41.99 50.46 47.33 82.31
ERFNet[16] 83.02 52.95 17.50 41.72 49.80 53.70 45.98 54.30 50.40 83.75
CGNet[17] 81.21 60.04 17.71 42.91 53.62 57.62 46.46 53.71 51.66 83.99
Tab.3 Comparison results of accuracy index on SUIM dataset in each network
语义分割模型 mIoU/% PA/%
0~2 m 2~6 m 0~2 m 2~6 m
本文方法 88.63 89.01 96.08 96.10
U-Net[3] 87.69 87.42 95.89 95.62
SegNet[2] 83.90 82.93 94.96 94.92
Deeplab[4] 87.36 87.93 95.84 95.88
PSPNet[7] 89.08 89.29 96.31 96.33
GCN[24] 87.37 86.97 95.82 95.73
OCNet[15] 88.96 89.41 96.26 96.35
SUIMNet[13] 88.24 88.45 95.91 95.93
LEDNet[29] 87.48 87.84 95.85 95.88
BiseNetv2[21] 88.43 88.85 96.03 96.09
ENet[14] 85.94 86.60 95.17 95.21
ERFNet[16] 86.72 87.05 95.36 95.48
CGNet[27] 87.15 87.24 95.43 95.46
Tab.4 Comparison results of accuracy index in each network on seagrass dataset
语义分割模型 v/(帧·s?1) p/106 f/109
本文方法 258.94 1.45 0.31
U-Net[3] 19.98 14.39 38.79
SegNet[2] 17.52 28.44 61.39
Deeplab[4] 16.00 5.81 8.28
PSPNet[7] 6.65 27.50 49.78
GCN[24] 11.26 23.95 7.09
OCNet[15] 31.71 60.48 81.36
SUIMNet[13] 27.69 3.86 4.59
LEDNet[19] 111.73 0.92 1.78
BiseNetv2[21] 244.63 3.35 3.83
ENet[14] 117.41 0.35 0.77
ERFNet[16] 198.36 2.06 4.64
CGNet[17] 116.49 0.48 1.08
Tab.5 Comparison results of efficiency index in each network
池化金字塔模块 特征融合模块 图像预处理 辅助边缘损失函数 mIoU/%
Tab.6 Comparison results of accuracy indicators for ablation experiments on SUIM dataset
基础网络 v/(帧·s?1) mIoU/%
Mobilenetv2 213.29 51.66
ResNet-18 199.27 53.90
本文方法(对称) 126.12 54.23
本文方法(非对称) 258.94 53.55
Tab.7 Comparison results of different indexes in baseline network ablation experiments
IoULoss CELoss OHEMCELoss BCELoss mIoU/%
Tab.8 Comparison results of accuracy index in loss function ablation experiments
α mIoU/% α mIoU/%
0 52.66 0.20 52.94
0.05 53.05 0.25 52.88
0.10 53.55 0.30 52.46
0.15 53.31
Tab.9 Comparison results of accuracy index in balance parameter α ablation experiments
Fig.8 Comparison results of proposed network with or without edge loss function
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