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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (4): 795-802    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.04.019
Spatial global context information network for semantic segmentation of remote sensing image
Ze-kang WU1(),Shan ZHAO2,Hong-wei LI2,*(),Yi-rui JIANG1
1. College of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
2. College of Geo-Science and Technology, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
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A spatial global context information network (NC-Net) was proposed based on the U-Net baseline network in order to solve the problem that the convolutional neural network (CNN) easily lost spatial information and the boundary information was unclear in the feature extraction stage of semantic segmentation. A re-encoding stage was added (ReEncoder) in order to enhance the ability of spatial information recognition. Multi-scale features were output in the Decoder stage, which was combined with the ReEncoder stage to obtain global context information. The boundary loss function was retained, and a multi-scale loss function cascade method was designed to optimize the overall network. The experimental results on the GID and WHDLD data sets show that the overall accuracy of the method achieves the best results, significantly outperforming other baseline models.

Key wordssemantic segmentation      remote sensing image      spatial information      global context      neural network     
Received: 13 July 2021      Published: 24 April 2022
CLC:  TP 751  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金面上项目(41571394)
Corresponding Authors: Hong-wei LI     E-mail:;
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Ze-kang WU,Shan ZHAO,Hong-wei LI,Yi-rui JIANG. Spatial global context information network for semantic segmentation of remote sensing image. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(4): 795-802.

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为了解决卷积神经网络(CNN)在语义分割特征提取阶段容易丢失空间信息以及边界信息不明确的问题,基于U-Net基线网络提出空间全局上下文信息网络(NC-Net). 增加再编码阶段(ReEncoder),以增强空间信息识别能力. 在Decoder阶段输出多尺度特征,与ReEncoder阶段结合获取全局上下文信息. 保留边界损失函数,设计多尺度损失函数级联方法,优化整体网络. 在GID以及WHDLD数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法的总体准确度达到最好成绩,明显优于其他基线模型.

关键词: 语义分割,  遥感影像,  空间信息,  全局上下文,  神经网络 
Fig.1 U-Net network structure
Fig.2 NC-Net network structure
Fig.3 Multi-scale output fusion re-sampling process
Fig.4 Multi-scale loss function cascade framework
方法 OA K FWIoU F1
U-Net[9] 70.721 51.857 56.135 70.131
DeepLabv3[18] 74.072 60.702 61.330 75.247
PSPNet[12] 72.513 59.147 60.880 75.782
DeepLabv3+[19] 75.982 61.958 63.021 77.920
NC-Net 77.331 62.214 64.550 78.694
Tab.1 Experimental results of GID %
Fig.5 Visual overall comparison between NC-Net and other models
Fig.6 Local visual comparison between NC-Net and other models
标签类别 Pr R F1
水浇地 85.61 84.95 81.77 88.22 86.73 83.69 86.91 91.59 89.73 91.94 84.63 85.91 86.40 88.96 89.25
园地 33.25 19.71 24.58 37.08 38.83 1.17 1.32 1.58 5.51 8.12 2.26 2.47 2.96 9.59 13.43
工业区 54.01 62.69 55.73 79.15 74.27 43.07 62.85 55.73 50.47 51.39 47.92 62.76 55.73 61.52 60.74
村镇住宅 73.97 82.92 76.73 78.77 90.65 64.75 74.15 75.52 83.78 65.10 69.05 78.29 76.12 81.19 75.77
交通用地 66.45 72.15 45.53 68.21 67.05 17.31 42.56 35.58 61.63 47.45 27.46 53.53 39.94 64.75 55.57
河流 39.91 23.70 21.47 22.43 42.87 3.95 1.21 4.25 4.43 5.30 7.18 2.30 7.09 7.39 9.43
湖泊 87.77 89.48 88.97 85.93 86.09 16.22 20.40 3.56 39.31 74.89 27.38 33.22 6.84 53.94 80.10
其他 38.62 39.23 34.07 43.90 46.69 48.25 61.84 44.02 59.59 62.65 42.90 48.00 38.41 50.55 53.50
Tab.2 Quantitative indicators for each category of GID %
方法 OA K FWIoU F1
U-Net[9] 76.218 70.816 69.709 70.066
DeepLabv3[18] 80.053 69.380 71.252 72.391
PSPNet[12] 78.406 71.528 69.039 71.002
DeepLabv3+[19] 81.295 76.524 73.157 75.563
NC-Net 84.897 79.944 76.025 76.301
Tab.3 WHDLD experimental results %
Fig.7 Visualization results of WHDLD
标签类别 Pr R F1
建筑物 67.72 70.28 69.53 72.36 72.78 68.07 68.93 70.33 72.98 72.19 67.89 69.59 69.92 72.16 72.48
道路 68.65 73.06 68.86 72.20 75.71 73.66 82.61 75.26 87.01 90.36 71.06 77.54 71.91 78.91 82.78
人行道 70.88 69.51 71.74 75.74 70.54 61.28 60.02 63.85 62.55 60.36 65.73 64.41 67.56 67.68 65.04
植被 65.07 66.03 65.91 68.04 68.98 68.80 70.33 69.04 70.83 71.12 66.88 68.11 67.43 69.40 70.03
裸地 71.92 74.43 72.09 75.97 76.26 66.31 69.95 70.72 71.76 72.07 69.00 72.12 71.39 72.84 74.10
水体 80.53 85.82 84.25 89.61 91.01 81.56 84.61 83.78 84.06 86.47 81.04 85.21 84.01 86.74 89.15
Tab.4 Quantitative indicators for each category of WHDLD %
方法 OA K FWIoU F1
U-NetAtt[13] 82.602 75.484 73.474 69.622
U-Net++[21] 84.067 77.430 74.496 74.633
MACU-Net[20] 84.623 78.233 75.231 75.245
NC-Net 84.897 79.944 76.025 76.301
Tab.5 Comparison of NC-Net with other improved networks on WHDLD
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