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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (12): 2421-2429    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.12.009
Multimodal sentiment analysis model based on multi-task learning and stacked cross-modal Transformer
Qiao-hong CHEN(),Jia-jin SUN,Yang-bo LOU,Zhi-jian FANG
School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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A new multimodal sentiment analysis model (MTSA) was proposed on the basis of cross-modal Transformer, aiming at the difficult retention of the modal feature heterogeneity for single-modal feature extraction and feature redundancy for cross-modal feature fusion. Long short-term memory (LSTM) and multi-task learning framework were used to extract single-modal contextual semantic information, the noise was removed and the modal feature heterogeneity was preserved by adding up auxiliary modal task losses. Multi-tasking gating mechanism was used to adjust cross-modal feature fusion. Text, audio and visual modal features were fused in a stacked cross-modal Transformer structure to improve fusion depth and avoid feature redundancy. MTSA was evaluated in the MOSEI and SIMS data sets, results show that compared with other advanced models, MTSA has better overall performance, the accuracy of binary classification reached 83.51% and 84.18% respectively.

Key wordsmultimodal sentiment analysis      long short-term memory (LSTM)      Transformer      multi-task learning      cross-modal feature fusion     
Received: 11 February 2023      Published: 27 December 2023
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  浙江理工大学中青年骨干人才培养经费项目
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Qiao-hong CHEN,Jia-jin SUN,Yang-bo LOU,Zhi-jian FANG. Multimodal sentiment analysis model based on multi-task learning and stacked cross-modal Transformer. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(12): 2421-2429.

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基于多任务学习与层叠 Transformer 的多模态情感分析模型

针对单模态特征提取存在的模态特征异质性难以保留问题和跨模态特征融合存在的特征冗余问题,基于跨模态Transformer,提出新的多模态情感分析模型(MTSA). 使用长短时记忆(LSTM)与多任务学习框架提取单模态上下文语义信息,通过累加辅助模态任务损失以筛除噪声并保留模态特征异质性. 使用多任务门控机制调整跨模态特征融合,通过层叠Transformer结构融合文本、音频与视觉模态特征,提升融合深度,避免融合特征冗余. 在2个公开数据集MOSEI和SIMS上的实验结果表明,相较于其他先进模型,MTSA的整体性能表现更好,二分类准确率分别达到83.51%和84.18%.

关键词: 多模态情感分析,  长短时记忆(LSTM),  Transformer,  多任务学习,  跨模态特征融合 
Fig.1 Structure of multimodal sentiment analysis model based on multi-task learning and stacked cross-modal Transformer
Fig.2 Comparison of two fusion architecture
Fig.3 Structure of cross-modal gated Transformer
参数 数值
训练批度 32 16
学习率 0.001 0.001
文本特征维度 768 768
音频特征维度 33 74
视觉特征维度 709 35
文本LSTM隐藏层维度 100 100
音频LSTM隐藏层维度 100 100
视觉LSTM隐藏层维度 100 100
Transformer编码层维度 100 100
多头注意力头数 10 10
Transformer层数 2 2
Droupout率 0.1 0.1
Tab.1 Experimental parameter settings of proposed model in two datasets
对比模型 Acc2/% F1/% Acc3/% MAE Corr T/s N/MB
TFN 77.63 77.67 66.39 42.91 58.04 40.5 3.7
MFN 80.0 79.74 68.01 43.63 57.74 123 5.3
LMF 77.78 76.22 65.99 44.13 56.96 13 5.5
MULT 81.03 80.44 68.67 45.32 56.41 164 40.5
MISA 77.73 77.31 66.13 41.94 56.74 314 15.2
M_TFN 82.21 81.1 70.46 40.27 63.96 65 3.7
M_MFN 82.22 81.96 70.85 41.42 63.60 21 5.5
CMFIB 80.28 80.27 40.93 59.82 137 7.9
MTSA 84.18 83.98 71.42 38.85 64.89 111 4.9
Tab.2 Performance comparison of results with different models in SIMS dataset
对比模型 Acc2/% F1/% Acc3/% MAE Corr T/s N/MB
TFN 81.89 81.74 66.63 57.26 71.74 175 3.7
MFN 82.86 82.85 66.59 57.33 71.82 354 5.3
LMF 83.48 83.36 66.59 57.57 71.69 68 5.5
MULT 83.43 83.32 67.04 55.93 73.71 402 40.5
MISA 84.64 84.66 67.63 55.75 75.15 1101 15.2
CMFIB 85.72 85.72 67.89 58.36 79.37 705 7.9
MTSA 83.51 83.38 67.13 55.67 73.46 351 4.9
Tab.3 Performance comparison of results with different models in MOSEI dataset
对比模型 Acc2/% F1/% Acc3/% MAE Corr
MTSA 84.18 83.98 71.42 38.85 64.89
MTSA+WA 84.36 84.11 71.57 38.71 64.72
MTSA-G 82.32 82.08 71.06 40.17 61.31
MTSA-GMT 82.27 81.98 70.37 42.91 58.04
MTSA-SMT 81.08 81.03 70.11 43.63 57.74
Tab.4 Results of ablation experiments of proposed model in SIMS dataset
模态融合顺序 Acc2/% F1/% Acc3/% MAE Corr
V→(A→T) 84.18 83.89 71.42 38.85 64.89
A→(V→T) 83.04 83.02 70.41 43.74 57.35
V→(T→A) 83.04 82.82 70.55 43.33 58.55
T→(V→A) 83.82 83.63 70.59 43.08 59.62
T→(A→V) 82.94 83.02 70.41 42.92 58.42
A→(T→V) 83.71 83.88 71.07 41.08 61.16
Tab.5 Results of mode fusion sequence in SIMS dataset
视频编号 多模态信息 视频画面 情感预测结果 真实情感
video_0001/0001 T:我不想嫁给李茶
video_0009/0002 T:妹妹不敢有任何非分之想
video_0054/0032 T:特别尊贵的感觉,感觉很害怕,怎么和他对戏啊,
video_0056/0051 T:拿他护照干吗你又用不了
Tab.6 Sample analysis of proposed model in SIMS dataset
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