Energy storage sliding mode controller for controlling acceleration power of synchronous generator |
Ying ZHAO1,2(),Da WANG1,Jia-hua NI3,Yong-hui LING3,Ji XIANG3,*(),Ting-ting ZHENG1 |
1. State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Co. Ltd, Electric Power Research Institute, Hohhot 010010, China 2. Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 3. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract Aiming at the problem of power angle stability in power systems, an energy storage sliding mode controller was proposed to control the acceleration power of synchronous generator based on the detailed modeling and analysis of the interaction between energy storage and synchronous generator energy. Using the strong robustness of sliding mode control, the speed deviation of the synchronous generator was introduced into the sliding mode surface. The acceleration power of the synchronous generator was controlled to decouple the synchronous generator from the power grid in control. The frequency of the synchronous generator was restored to the rated value. Thus the power angle stability of the system could be enhanced. A nonlinear smooth function was used to replace the sign function in the sliding mode control, then a practical sliding mode controller was obtained to weaken the chattering phenomenon in the sliding mode control. The stability of the proposed controller was analyzed by constructing the Lyapunov function. In the Matlab/Simulink, the performance of the system under disturbance was compared among the parameter feedback linearization controller (PFL), the power oscillation damping controller (POD), the flexible controller (FC) and the proposed method. The results show that the proposed controller has a stability time shortened by more than 30% compared to the aforementioned three methods.
Received: 19 December 2021
Published: 09 May 2023
Fund: 国网内蒙古东部电力公司科技项目(526604210005);国家自然科学基金资助项目(62173295) |
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: ee_zhaoying@zju.edu.cn;jxiang@zju.edu.cn
针对电力系统功角稳定性问题,在建模分析储能与同步发电机能量交互关系的基础上,提出一种控制同步发电机加速功率的储能滑模控制器. 利用滑模控制的强鲁棒性,将同步发电机的转速偏差引入滑模面,并通过控制同步发电机的加速功率,使同步发电机与电网在控制上解耦,并使同步发电机的频率恢复至额定值,从而增强系统的功角稳定性. 为了削弱滑模控制中的抖振现象,采用非线性光滑函数代替滑模控制中的符号函数,得到实用化的滑模控制器. 通过构造李雅普诺夫函数进行所提控制器的稳定性分析. 在Matlab/Simulink的仿真测试中,对比所提控制器和参数反馈线性化控制器(PFL)、功率振荡阻尼控制器(POD)以及柔性控制器(FC)在扰动下的系统性能,结果表明所提控制器稳定时间比其他3种控制方法缩短30%以上.
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