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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (2): 277-286    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.02.008
SQL generation from natural language queries with complex calculations on financial data
Jia-hao HE(),Xi-ping LIU*(),Qing SHU,Chang-xuan WAN,De-xi LIU,Guo-qiong LIAO
School of Information Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
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The problem of structured query language (SQL) generation from natural language queries (Text-to-SQL) in financial domain was investigated. First, SOFT, a Text-to-SQL dataset in the financial domain was constructed. The dataset covered common queries in the financial domain with distinctive features and presented challenges to Text-to-SQL research. Then, FinSQL, a Text-to-SQL model, which optimized the support for complex queries in the financial domain, was proposed. In particular, by analyzing the characteristics of row calculation queries, a class of queries with complex numerical calculations, a divide-and-conquer based method was proposed. A row calculation query was divided into several subqueries, the SQL statement for each subquery was generated, and the SQL statements were finally combined into together to get the SQL statement for the original query. Experimental results on SOFT dataset show that the proposed FinSQL model outperforms existing methods for the hard queries, and performs well for row calculation queries.

Key wordsText-to-SQL      natural language query      financial field      row calculation query      divide-and-conquer method     
Received: 31 July 2022      Published: 02 December 2022
CLC:  TP 391  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(62076112, 61972184); 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20192BAB207017); 江西省教育厅科学技术研究资助项目(GJJ190255); 江西省研究生创新专项资金项目(YC2021-B130)
Corresponding Authors: Xi-ping LIU     E-mail:;
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Jia-hao HE,Xi-ping LIU,Qing SHU,Chang-xuan WAN,De-xi LIU,Guo-qiong LIAO. SQL generation from natural language queries with complex calculations on financial data. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(2): 277-286.

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研究金融领域基于自然语言查询的结构化查询语言(SQL)生成问题(Text-to-SQL), 构建一个金融领域Text-to-SQL数据集,称为SOFT数据集. 该数据集覆盖了金融领域的常见查询,具有鲜明的特点,并对Text-to-SQL提出了挑战. 提出金融领域Text-to-SQL模型FinSQL,该模型优化了对金融领域复杂查询的支持. 通过分析一类复杂计算查询(行计算查询)的特点,提出一种基于分治的方法,即先将一个行计算查询分解为若干个子查询,分别针对每个子查询生成SQL语句,再将子查询的SQL语句组合在一起得到原始查询的SQL语句. 在SOFT数据集上进行验证,结果显示,本研究所提的方法在复杂查询上效果优于已有方法. 特别地,所提出的模型FinSQL能够较好地支持行计算查询.

关键词: Text-to-SQL,  自然语言查询,  金融领域,  行计算查询,  分治方法 
查询问题 SQL语句
查询2019年资本公积不少于100 亿的公司的员工人数,列出公司名称和员工人数. SELECT T1.公司名称 , T1.员工人数 FROM 公司基本信息 AS T1 JOIN 财务指标 AS T2 ON T1.
股票代码 = T2.股票代码 WHERE T2.资本公积 >= 10000000000 AND T2.年份 = "2019"
SELECT 公司名称 FROM 公司基本信息 WHERE 股票代码 IN (SELECT 股票代码 FROM 财务比率 WHERE 每股净资产 >= 10 AND 年份 = "2018")
国药一致2019年相比于2018年营业利润的同比增长率怎么样? SELECT (a.营业利润 ? b.营业利润) / b.营业利润 FROM (SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "国药一致" AND 年份 = "2019") a , (SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务指标
WHERE 股票名称 = "国药一致" AND 年份 = "2018") b
Tab.1 SOFT dataset example
数据集 p/%
排序 分组 嵌套 行计算 列计算
WikiSQL 0 0 0 0 0
TableQA 0 0 0 0 0
Spider/CSpider 13.1 14.6 8.3 0 0.3
SOFT 14.3 12.2 7.7 12.1 2.5
Tab.2 Proportions of query types for each dataset
模型 Pre
easy medium hard extra hard all
SyntaxSQLNet 0.514 0.383 0.296 0.235 0.340
SLSQL 0.825 0.677 0.536 0.495 0.613
RYANSQL 0.874 0.725 0.662 0.613 0.695
Tab.3 Exact-match accuracy on SOFT dataset
模型 查询问题“国药一致2019年相比于2018年营业利润的同比增长率是多少?”对应的预测结果
SyntaxSQLNet SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务比率 WHERE 股票名称 = "terminal" AND 年份 = "terminal"
SLSQL SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "国药一致" AND 年份 = "2019"
RYANSQL SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "国药一致" AND 年份 = "2019"
标准查询 SELECT (a.营业利润 ? b.营业利润) / b.营业利润 FROM (SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "国药一致"
AND 年份 = "2019") a , (SELECT 营业利润 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "国药一致" AND 年份 = "2018") b
Tab.4 Comparison of model prediction results for some samples
Fig.1 Overall structure of FinSQL
组件 槽位
$DIST2 $AGG2 $COL2 ) )+
$AGG2 $COL2) $ORD )*
$DIST2 $AGG2 $COL2 )
Tab.5 Possible slot values for each component
行计算问题类型 规则
变化问题 select a.col1 ? b.col2 from sql1 a, sql2 b
变化率问题 select (a.col1 ? b.col2) / b.col2 from sql1 a, sql2 b
比率问题 select a.col1 / b.col2 from sql1 a, sql2 b
求和问题 select a.col1+b.col2 from sql1 a, sql2 b
乘积问题 select a.col1 * b.col2 from sql1 a, sql2 b
Tab.6 Question types and combination rules
模型 P Re F1
FastText 0.916 0.893 0.904
TextRNN 0.923 0.901 0.912
BERT 0.935 0.916 0.925
Tab.7 Problem identification experimental results
模型 P Re F1
BiLSTM-CRF+Heu 0.816 0.753 0.783
BiLSTM-CRF+Model 0.875 0.837 0.856
BERT-CRF+Heu 0.887 0.852 0.869
BERT-CRF+Model 0.902 0.873 0.887
Tab.8 Comparison on problem decomposition results
模型 Pre
easy medium hard extra hard all
SLSQL 0.825 0.677 0.536 0.495 0.613
RYANSQL 0.874 0.725 0.662 0.613 0.695
FinSQL 0.874 0.804 0.785 0.682 0.781
Tab.9 Comparison on Text-to-SQL model experimental results
难度 Pre 难度 Pre
medium 0.806 extra hard 0.571
hard 0.742 all 0.713
Tab.10 Experimental results of FinSQL on SOFT-rc
模型 查询问题“给出平安银行2020年与2019年主营业务收入之和. ”对应的预测结果
SLSQL SELECT 主营业务收入 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "平安银行" AND 年份 = "2020"
RYANSQL SELECT 主营业务收入 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "平安银行" AND 年份 = "2020"
FinSQL SELECT a.主营业务收入+b.主营业务收入 FROM (SELECT 主营业务收入 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "平安银行" AND 年份 = "2020") a, (SELECT 主营业务收入 FROM 财务指标 WHERE 股票名称 = "平安银行" AND 年份 = "2019") b
Tab.11 Comparison of prediction results on some datasets
Fig.2 Comparison on Text-to-SQL model response time
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