作物科学 |
叶面喷施氨基酸和钾肥对安吉白茶产量与品质的影响 |
罗凌迅1( ),左婷2,程维1,朱永聪1,倪玥敏3,冷明珠4,倪吾钟1( ) |
1.浙江大学环境与资源学院, 浙江省农业资源与环境重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310058 2.江西省鹰潭市农业农村粮食局, 江西 鹰潭 335000 3.浙江大学农业试验站, 浙江 杭州 310058 4.安吉县农业农村局, 浙江 湖州 313300 |
Effects of foliar spraying with amino acid and potassium fertilizers on the yield and quality of Anji white tea |
Lingxun LUO1( ),Ting ZUO2,Wei CHENG1,Yongcong ZHU1,Yuemin NI3,Mingzhu LENG4,Wuzhong NI1( ) |
1.Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China 2.Agriculture and Rural Grain Bureau of Yingtan City in Jiangxi Province, Yingtan 335000, Jiangxi, China 3.Agricultural Experiment Station, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China 4.Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Anji County, Huzhou 313300, Zhejiang, China |
罗凌迅,左婷,程维,朱永聪,倪玥敏,冷明珠,倪吾钟. 叶面喷施氨基酸和钾肥对安吉白茶产量与品质的影响[J]. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2024, 50(5): 724-736.
Lingxun LUO,Ting ZUO,Wei CHENG,Yongcong ZHU,Yuemin NI,Mingzhu LENG,Wuzhong NI. Effects of foliar spraying with amino acid and potassium fertilizers on the yield and quality of Anji white tea. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2024, 50(5): 724-736.
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