New method for news recommendation based on Transformer and knowledge graph |
Li-zhou FENG1( ),Yang YANG1,You-wei WANG2,*( ),Gui-jun YANG1 |
1. School of Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222, China 2. School of Information, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract A news recommendation method based on Transformer and knowledge graph was proposed to increase the auxiliary information and improve the prediction accuracy. The self-attention mechanism was used to obtain the connection between news words and news entities in order to combine news semantic information and entity information. The additive attention mechanism was employed to capture the influence of words and entities on news representation. Transformer was introduced to pick up the correlation information between clicked news of user and capture the change of user interest over time by considering the time-series characteristics of user preference for news. High-order structural information in knowledge graphs was used to fuse adjacent entities of the candidate news and enhance the integrity of the information contained in the candidate news embedding vector. The comparison experiments with five typical recommendation methods on two versions of the MIND news dataset show that the introduction of attention mechanism, Transformer and knowledge graph can improve the performance of the algorithm on news recommendation.
Received: 09 April 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61906220);国家社科基金资助项目(18CTJ008);教育部人文社科资助项目(19YJCZH178);天津市自然科学基金资助项目(18JCQNJC69600);内蒙古纪检监察大数据实验室2020—2021年度开放课题资助项目(IMDBD202002, IMDBD202004) |
Corresponding Authors:
You-wei WANG
E-mail: flzvg@126.com;ywwang15@126.com
为了增加新闻推荐的辅助信息并提高预测精度,提出基于Transformer和知识图谱的新闻推荐方法. 为了结合新闻语义信息和实体信息,利用自注意力机制获取新闻单词之间和新闻实体之间的联系,采用加法注意力机制捕捉单词和实体对新闻表示的影响. 考虑到用户对新闻的偏好具有时序性特点,引入Transformer以捕捉用户点击新闻间的关联信息及用户兴趣随时间的变化情况. 利用知识图谱中的高阶结构信息,融合候选新闻邻接实体,提升候选新闻嵌入向量所含信息的完整性. 在2个版本的MIND新闻数据集上与5个典型推荐方法的对比实验表明,注意力机制、Transformer和知识图谱的引入提高了算法在新闻推荐方面的表现.
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