Backstepping based precise control of brake cylinder pressure for train |
Chi LEI( ),Meng-ling WU |
Institute of Rail Transit, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China |
Abstract A precise control method of brake cylinder pressure based on backstepping was proposed for the heavy-haul train equipped with electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brake system. A control model of ECP brake system with strict feedback form was established through equivalent continuous processing and linearization. By introducing the uncertainties with known upper bound, and adopting the sliding mode variable structure with exponential approach law, the local robustness of the system was achieved. A control law based on backstepping was designed by constructing error variables and Lyapunov function. A first-order filter was introduced to solve the problem of counting the derivative repeatedly in the control law. The performance of the controller was analyzed through hardware-in-loop test. Test results showed that, comparing with the traditional controller, the controller of brake cylinder pressure based on backstepping had a higher control accuracy, and its steady state control error was within the range of ±8 kPa without obviously overshoot in the pressure regulation process. In addition, the introduction of dead zone in the controller can significantly reduce the operation times of the AV/RV valve and improve the service life of the system.
Received: 26 February 2020
Published: 25 April 2021
针对重载列车电控空气(ECP)制动系统,提出基于反步法的制动缸压力精确控制方法. 通过等效连续化处理和线性化处理,建立具有严格反馈方式的ECP制动系统控制模型;引入已知上界的不确定项,采用指数趋近律的滑模变结构,实现系统局部鲁棒性;基于反步法设计控制律,构造误差变量以及 Lyapunov函数;引入一阶滤波器,解决控制律中存在的“微分项数爆炸”问题. 硬件在环试验结果表明:与传统控制器相比,基于反步法的制动缸压力控制器具有更高的控制精度,其稳态控制误差在±8 kPa内,且调压过程无明显超调;在控制器中引入控制死区,可以大幅降低AV/RV阀的动作次数,提高系统使用寿命.
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