Modeling of MR damper based on multi-field coupling analysis and influence of structural parameters |
Teng-yi HUANG( ),Jin ZHOU*( ),Yan XU,Fan-xu MENG |
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China |
Abstract A linear spring element was added to Bingham viscoplastic model to describe the viscoelastic plasticity of MR fluid in order to establish an accurate model for damper output. The above model was introduced into the multi-field coupling simulation by taking a shear and valve type magnetorheological (MR) damper with two-way push-over bar as the research object. The non-uniform dynamic magnetic field obtained by the magnetic field simulation was used to obtain the apparent viscosity distribution of MR fluid. Then the dynamic characteristics of the damper under different input excitation and current were obtained by post-processing. Results show that the simulation model of MR damper based on the series constitutive model is better consistent with the test results than the parallel constitutive model. The influence of each structural parameter on the damper magnetic field, the damper output and its adjustable range was analyzed according to the theory and simulation. The sensitivity of each parameter to the damper output was calculated. Results show that the gap of damper and piston diameter have great influence on the output of the damper, among which the piston diameter has the greatest influence, and the peak sensitivity index and average sensitivity index are 84.66% and 94.51 N respectively.
Received: 24 September 2019
Published: 28 October 2020
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 2893406081@qq.com;zhj@nuaa.edu.cn
为了建立准确的阻尼器出力模型,在Bingham黏塑性模型的基础上增加线性弹簧单元描述磁流变液的黏弹塑性. 以双出杆剪切阀式磁流变阻尼器为研究对象,将上述模型引入多场耦合仿真中,结合磁场仿真得到的非均匀动态磁场,可得磁流变液的表观黏度分布,处理得到阻尼器在不同的输入激励与电流下的动态特性. 研究结果表明,相较于并联本构,依据串联本构建立的磁流变阻尼器仿真模型与试验结果具有更好的一致性. 根据理论与仿真分析各结构参数对阻尼器磁场及阻尼器出力及其可调范围的影响,计算各参数对阻尼器出力的灵敏度. 结果表明,阻尼间隙与活塞直径对阻尼器的出力影响较大,其中活塞直径的影响最大,峰值灵敏度指标与均值灵敏度指标分别为84.66%和94.51 N.
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