Multi-objective optimization design of adjustable rotary fluid damper parameter |
Xiao-yan CAO( ),Min YU*( ),Jin ZHOU,Yun-zhi WANG |
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China |
Abstract A new adjustable rotary fluid damper was developed in order to achieve good vibration control effect of helicopter control system with minimum geometric tolerance manufacturing cost. The multi-objective optimization of key geometric parameters was conducted. The rotary valve was driven through a servo motor to realize the real-time adjustment of the damping force in order to realize the vibration control of the helicopter control system. A quasi-static model of the damper was established based on the pressure-flow formula. The influence of structural geometric parameters on the maximum damping torque and adjustable multiple was analyzed. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) was used to conduct multi-objective optimization of each structural parameter in order to meet the requirements of damper output torque, dynamic adjustable range and minimum tolerance manufacturing cost at the same time. The optimal structural design parameters of the damper were obtained. Results show that the multi-objective optimal design can achieve the minimum manufacturing cost of tolerance on the premise of satisfying the mechanical properties of the damper. The correctness of the multi-objective optimization results of the damper parameters based on the quasi-static model was verified through the mechanical performance test of the prototype of the adjustable rotary fluid damper.
Received: 09 July 2022
Published: 17 July 2023
Corresponding Authors:
Min YU
E-mail: caoxiaoyan0621@nuaa.edu.cn;yumin@nuaa.edu.cn
为了以最小几何公差制造成本实现直升机操纵系统良好的振动控制效果,开发新型可调旋转式流体阻尼器,对关键的几何参数进行多目标优化. 该阻尼器通过伺服电机带动转阀实现阻尼力的实时调节,实现直升机操纵系统的振动控制. 基于压力-流量公式,建立阻尼器准静态模型,分析结构几何参数对最大阻尼力矩、可调倍数的影响规律. 为了同时满足阻尼器输出力矩、动态可调范围及最小公差制造成本的要求,采用非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)对各结构参数进行多目标优化设计,确定阻尼器的最佳结构设计参数. 结果表明,多目标优化设计能够在满足阻尼器力学特性的前提下实现尽可能小的公差制造成本. 对制作的可调旋转式流体阻尼器样机进行力学性能测试,验证了基于准静态模型的阻尼器参数多目标优化结果的正确性.
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