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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (7): 1354-1364    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.07.010
Time-series gene driven feature representation model
Jian-ping HUANG1(),Ke CHEN2,Jian-song ZHANG1,Si-qi SHEN1
1. Net Zhejiang Electric Power Limited Company, Hangzhou 310063, China
2. Information Communication Branch, Net Zhejiang Electric Power Limited Company, Hangzhou 310016, China
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The concept of "evolutionary genes" was defined to capture the underlying user behaviors in time series and describe how these behaviors lead to the generation of time series. A unified framework was proposed. A classifier was learned to identify different evolutionary genes of segments, and an adversarial generator was adopted to estimate the distribution of segments for evolutionary genes. The model consists of three main components: gene identification which aims at learning the corresponding genes of segments; gene generation which aims at learning to generate segments from genes; gene application which aims at modeling behavioral evolution and applying the learned genes to predict future values and events. The experiments of this study were based on one synthetic dataset and five real datasets. Results demonstrate that the method not only achieves good prediction results, but also provides effective explanations for the results.

Key wordstime series      evolutionary gene      generation model      adversarial generator      representation learning     
Received: 11 July 2022      Published: 17 July 2023
CLC:  TP 399  
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Jian-ping HUANG,Ke CHEN,Jian-song ZHANG,Si-qi SHEN. Time-series gene driven feature representation model. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(7): 1354-1364.

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定义“演变基因”的概念来捕获时间序列所隐含的用户行为,描述这些行为如何导致时间序列的产生. 提出统一的框架,通过学习分类器来识别片段的不同演变基因,采用对抗性生成器估计片段的分布来实现演变基因. 该模型有3个主要组成部分:基因识别,旨在学习片段的相应基因;基因生成,旨在学习从基因中生成片段;基因应用,旨在建模行为演变,将学习到的基因应用于未来值和事件的预测中. 本研究的实验基于1个合成数据集和5个真实数据集,相关结果表明,该方法不仅可以获得好的预测结果,而且能够提供对结果的有效解释.

关键词: 时间序列,  演变基因,  生成模型,  对抗性生成器,  特征学习 
Fig.1 Structure of GeNE model
数据集 N T Pt V
合成 50 000 10 20 3
地震 461 21 24 1
WebTraffic 142 753 12 30 1
INS 241 045 15 24 2
TMP 16 792 3 30 12
MCE 3 833 213 12 4 2
Tab.1 Detailed statistics of used six datasets
指标 H Co
K-means 0.546 0.091
Agllo 0.533 0.089
Birch 0.537 0.092
HMM 0.612 0.101
GMM 0.637 0.112
GeNE 0.674 0.158
Tab.2 Recognizing performance of different methods on synthetic dataset
数据集 MAPE
地震 0.343 0.314 0.222 0.258 0.221
WebTraffic 4.438 3.937 3.091 3.166 2.945
MCE 0.782 0.694 0.574 0.581 0.539
INS 3.654 3.247 2.935 2.797 2.751
TMP 4.715 4.501 3.977 3.981 3.742
Tab.3 Regression performance on five datasets with different method (MAPE)
数据集 方法 A 数据集 方法 A
地震 NN-ED 68.22 WebTraffic NN-ED 73.40
地震 NN-DTW 70.31 WebTraffic NN-DTW 74.03
地震 NN-CID 69.41 WebTraffic NN-CID 74.26
地震 FS 74.66 WebTraffic FS 73.89
地震 TSF 74.67 WebTraffic TSF 75.38
地震 SAX-VSM 73.76 WebTraffic SAX-VSM 74.91
地震 MC-DCNN 70.29 WebTraffic MC-DCNN 75.29
地震 LSTM 68.35 WebTraffic LSTM 73.15
地震 CVAE 74.82 WebTraffic CVAE 75.17
地震 GeNE 75.54 WebTraffic GeNE 75.91
Tab.4 Classification performance on earthquake and WebTraffic datasets with different methods
数据集 方法 P R F1 F0.5
MCE NN-ED 59.90 34.82 44.01 52.38
MCE NN-DTW 60.17 41.41 49.04 55.15
MCE NN-CID 57.12 40.86 47.55 52.93
MCE FS 54.34 43.54 48.34 51.74
MCE TSF 76.80 52.61 62.50 70.30
MCE SAX-VSM 65.12 59.96 62.44 64.01
MCE MC-DCNN 78.94 49.27 60.70 70.43
MCE LSTM 79.69 53.56 64.10 72.58
MCE CVAE 77.92 54.12 64.32 72.02
MCE GeNE 80.33 58.17 67.45 74.61
INS NN-ED 28.51 19.33 23.01 26.01
INS NN-DTW 27.14 21.73 24.13 25.84
INS NN-CID 52.65 10.25 17.05 28.75
INS FS 31.66 16.73 21.84 26.85
INS TSF 48.11 21.04 29.13 38.20
INS SAX-VSM 62.71 28.41 40.11 50.51
INS MC-DCNN 53.77 5.79 10.38 20.06
INS LSTM 60.25 28.01 38.23 48.93
INS CVAE 63.27 26.78 37.57 49.67
INS GeNE 71.50 33.15 45.34 58.01
TMP NN-ED 54.43 47.88 50.95 52.92
TMP NN-DTW 51.95 52.43 52.14 52.04
TMP NN-CID 56.12 49.26 52.44 54.61
TMP FS 65.17 58.82 61.85 63.76
TMP TSF 54.20 60.94 57.42 55.47
TMP SAX-VSM 72.22 59.05 64.94 69.10
TMP MC-DCNN 76.79 66.13 71.06 74.37
TMP LSTM 56.21 53.15 54.63 55.69
TMP CVAE 74.86 59.22 66.14 71.15
TMP GeNE 80.23 64.57 71.55 76.51
Tab.5 Classification performance on MCE, INS, TMP datasets with different methods
Fig.2 GeNE’s real application on datasets provided by State Grid
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