Performance optimization of matrix converter based on specific harmonic elimination |
Yu-xiang XU1(),Pei-liang WANG2,*(),Zhi-duan CAI1,Neng-wei LEI1,Yong-feng JIANG2 |
1. School of Science and Engineering, Huzhou College, Huzhou 313000, China 2. School of Engineering, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China |
Abstract The specific harmonic near the resonance point of input side was selected as the suppression object aiming at the problem that input LC filter of matrix converter was easy to cause input current resonance. A method of input filter parameter optimization and resonance suppression based on specific harmonic elimination was proposed to improve input performance. The working principle of input LC filter and conventional resonance suppression method was analyzed. Multiple constraints were used to optimize the design of filter parameters. The damping resistance was selected based on the suppression effect of specific harmonics near the resonance point, and the specific optimization design steps were given. The idea of specific harmonic elimination was introduced into the active resonance suppression method, and the strategy of using notch filter to collect the specific harmonic quantity in the filter capacitor and feed it back to the control loop was proposed. The simulation model based on Matlab/Simulink software was constructed. The simulation results showed that the total harmonic distortion of input current was reduced by 98.5% and 99.3% respectively by using the proposed input filter parameter optimization method and active resonance suppression method. The system has good stability after suppression processing.
Received: 14 August 2021
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61573137);浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LY19F030002);浙江省文化和旅游厅科研与创作项目资助项目(2021KYY066);浙江省建设厅建设科研资助项目(2021K218);湖州市公益性应用研究资助项目(2021GZ15);湖州学院校级科研资助项目(2021HXKJ03) |
Corresponding Authors:
Pei-liang WANG
E-mail: keyan_xyx@163.com;wpl@zjhu.edu.cn
针对矩阵变换器输入LC滤波器容易引起输入电流谐振的问题,选择输入侧谐振点附近的特定谐波作为抑制对象,提出基于特定谐波消除的输入滤波器参数优化与谐振抑制方法,以提升输入性能. 分析输入LC滤波器及常规谐振抑制方法的工作原理,采用多个约束条件对滤波参数进行最优设计,以谐振点附近特定谐波的抑制效果作为阻尼电阻的选择依据,给出具体的优化设计步骤. 将特定谐波消除的思想引入主动谐振抑制方法中,提出采用陷波滤波器采集滤波电容中特定谐波量反馈到控制回路的策略. 搭建基于Matlab/Simulink的仿真模型,仿真实验表明,利用所提的输入滤波器参数优化方法和主动谐振抑制方法,使得输入电流总谐波畸变率分别下降了98.5%和99.3%. 抑制处理后的系统具有良好的稳定性.
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