Design of low noise amplifier for 802.11a application |
JING Kai1, ZHUANG Yi-qi1, LI Zhen-rong1, LV Yu-ze2 |
1.Department of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Xian 710071, China; 2.Chongqing Southwest Integrated Designing Limited Liability Company, Chongqing 401332,China |
Abstract An image-rejection low noise amplifier (LNA) for 802.11a standard was designed for realization of 802.11a receiving unit. This circuit adopted source-degeneration structure with optimization in active notch filter, decreasing the power and die area in filter network dramatically. Image-rejection ratio was increased and traditional super heterodyne receiver with off-chip filter was replaced. Based on Jazz 0.18 μm SiGe BiCMOS process, simulation results showed that at the band of 5.15-5.35 GHz and image frequency band of 3.5-3.7 GHz, 18.52 dB power gain and less than -13 dB reflection coefficient were achieved. Noise figure is 3.1-3.4 dB and the image-rejection ratio is 33.75 dB, and the input third-order intermodulation point (IIP3) was -9.58 dBm at 5.2 GHz. Total power dissipation was 13 mW draining from 1.8 V power supply, and power in active filter was only 0.57 mW.
Published: 28 August 2015
为实现802.11a接收单元,设计一款适用于802.11a协议具有镜像抑制功能的低噪声放大器(LNA).电路采用源简并结构,对有源陷波滤波器加以优化,可极大地减小了滤波网络的功耗和芯片面积,提高镜像抑制比,替代传统超外差接收机片外实现滤波器方式.电路采用Jazz 0.18 μm SiGe BiCMOS进行工艺仿真,结果表明:在5.15~5.35 GHz的工作频段和3.5~37 GHz镜像频段下,电路可以实现1852 dB的功率增益,小于-13 dB的反射系数,3.1~3.4 dB的噪声系数和33.75 dB的镜频抑制比;5.2 GHz频率下的输入3阶交调点为-9.58 dBm,电源电压为1.8 V,总功耗为13 mW,有源滤波器功耗仅为0.57 mW.
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