Optimal design and experimental study of thrust adsorption wall-climbing robot |
Chao-jun XUE1( ),Hai-bo WANG1,2,*( ),Yu-peng CHEN1 |
1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 2. Technology and Equipment of Rail Transit Operation and Maintenance Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610031, China |
Abstract A kind of thrust adsorption wall-climbing robot with coaxial dual-rotor was introduced. The thrust adsorption mechanism and frame were optimized respectively to enhance the load capacity, reduce energy consumption and increase the endurance time. The aerodynamic parameters of the thrust adsorption mechanism, such as blade number, blade installation angle and spacing ratio, were controlled by the control variable method. The aerodynamic model of the robot under different aerodynamic parameters was established and the flow field was simulated and solved. Based on the simulation results, the optimal design of the thrust adsorption mechanism was completed. Based on topology optimization, the structural parameter optimization design of the robot frame was completed by building response surface combined with multi objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) optimization and direct adaptive single-objective (AS-O) optimization. Compared with the initial structure, the mass of upper and lower plates were decreased 55.62% and 25.39% respectively. The thrust adsorption mechanism and climbing ability of robot were tested respectively, and the experimental results show that the aerodynamic simulation results of the thrust adsorption mechanism are reliable. The deviation of the rotation center axis of the upper and lower rotors is closely related to the performance of the thrust adsorption mechanism, and the robot has a good wall climbing ability.
Received: 19 April 2021
Published: 30 June 2022
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51905451);轨道交通运维技术与装备四川省重点实验室开放基金资助项目(2019YW002) |
Corresponding Authors:
Hai-bo WANG
E-mail: 861356816@qq.com;haibowang@home.swjtu.edu.cn
介绍共轴式双旋翼推力吸附爬壁机器人,通过优化推力吸附机构和机架,增强负载能力、降低能耗、增加续航时间. 采用控制变量法控制推力吸附机构的气动参数如叶片数、桨叶安装角、间距比等,建立不同气动参数下机器人气动模型并进行流场仿真。基于仿真结果,完成推力吸附机构的优化设计;基于拓扑优化用构建响应面叠加多目标遗传优化算法(MOGA)、直接单目标自适应优化算法(AS-O)优化,完成机器人机架结构参数优化设计。与初始结构相比,机架上、下层板质量分别降低了55.62%、25.39%. 试验推力吸附机构和机器人攀爬能力,结果表明,推力吸附机构气动仿真结果可靠,上、下层旋翼旋转中心轴偏差与推力吸附机构性能关系密切,机器人具备良好壁面攀爬能力.
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