Secure computation offloading scheme for matrix in Internet of vehicles based on blockchain |
Xue-jiao LIU1(),Qing-wu SONG1,Ying-jie XIA2,*() |
1. School of Information Science and Technology, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China 2. College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract A secure computation offloading scheme for matrix in the Internet of Vehicle based on blockchain was proposed in order to protect the confidentiality of the task data and verify the correctness of the computation results. The smart contract was used based on blockchain to automatically execute the verification process of the computation results, which can ensure the security of the verification process and the tamper resistance of the verification result. A lightweight matrix encryption method was proposed based on matrix addition, which can simplify the complexity of encryption and decryption in matrix computation offloading. The proposed scheme can effectively protect the sensitive information of the vehicle and verify the correctness of the matrix computation results compared with the existing schemes. The computing overhead of encryption and decryption on the vehicle side can be effectively reduced by the matrix encryption method.
Received: 13 April 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61873232);浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LY19F020021);2022年浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划(新苗人才计划)资助项目(2022R426B067) |
Corresponding Authors:
Ying-jie XIA
E-mail: liuxuejiao0406@163.com;xiayingjie@zju.edu.cn
为了保护任务数据的机密性,验证计算结果的正确性,提出基于区块链的车联网矩阵计算安全卸载方案. 该方案利用编写在区块链上的智能合约自动执行计算结果验证过程,保证验证过程的安全性和结果的不可篡改. 方案提出的基于矩阵加法的轻量级矩阵加密方法,简化了矩阵计算卸载加解密的复杂度. 通过与现有方案比较可知,本文方案能够在有效保护车辆的敏感信息的同时,实现对矩阵计算结果正确性的验证. 利用所构建的矩阵加密方法,能够有效地降低车辆侧矩阵加解密的计算开销.
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