Publicly verifiable secret sharing technology in blockchain |
Miao HE1,2( ),Fen-hua BAI1,2,Zhuo YU3,Tao SHEN1,2,*( ) |
1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China 2. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Computer Technologies Application, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China 3. Beijing Chain-Power Information Technology Limited Company, Beijing 100192, China |
Abstract A publicly verifiable secret sharing technology was proposed based on the threshold secret sharing technology, in order to study the security of the user’s private secret in the blockchain. The secret fragments can be verified after the participating nodes receiving them, which can effectively preventing the master splitting node from doing evil when splitting the key. The secret fragments of the nodes participating in the secret splicing are publicly verified through the secret recovery phase, to prevent the nodes in the secret recovery phase from doing evil. Identity IDs are added to the participating nodes during the secret distribution phase, thus malicious nodes can be tracked and the node status can be updated in real time. The dynamic threshold mechanism was designed so that after the node holding the secret fragment is offline, the owner of the secret fragment and the master node can redistribute the secret fragment to the new participating nodes to ensure the integrity of the private secret fragment. Experimental results show that the private secret recovery rate of this scheme can reach 80%, and it has threshold characteristics, traceability, unforgeability and recoverability.
Received: 22 August 2021
Published: 03 March 2022
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: arcsign@163.com;shentao@kust.edu.cn
为了研究区块链中用户私钥安全性的问题,以门限密钥共享技术作为研究基础,提出可公开验证密钥共享技术. 参与节点在收到密钥片段后对其进行验证,能有效防止分割密钥时主分割节点作恶; 在密钥恢复阶段,对参与密钥拼接的节点的密钥片段进行公开验证,防止密钥恢复阶段参与节点作恶; 在分发密钥阶段给参与节点添加身份IDs,从而可以对恶意节点进行追踪并实时更新节点状态; 设计动态门限机制,在持有密钥片段的节点离线后,密钥碎片的拥有者和主节点一起重新分配密钥碎片给新的参与节点,保证私钥碎片的完整性. 实验结果表明,该方案的私钥恢复率为80%,且具有门限特性、可追溯性、不可伪造性和可恢复性.
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