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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (2): 297-305    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.02.010
Fault tolerant optimization of active backup for Flink stream processing framework
Guang-xuan LIU1,2,3(),Shan HUANG1,2,3,*(),Jia-li HU1,2,3,Xiao-dong DUAN1,2,3
1. College of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian Minzu University, Dalian 116600, China
2. State Ethnic Affairs Commission Key Laboratory of Big Data Applied Technology, Dalian 116600, China
3. Dalian Key Laboratory of Digital Technology for National Culture , Dalian 116600, China
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A fault-tolerant strategy based on cache queue was proposed, aiming at the problem of low efficiency of stream processing job recovery due to global rollback after Flink task fails. In the job, the operator with the longest recovery time is taken as the key operator, the processed data are stored in the buffer queue, and active backup is performed for it. The backup operator will also accept the data from the upstream to reach the the effect that the job can be restored instantaneously after a failure. In order to solve the additional consumption caused by active backup, a data filtering algorithm was proposed. The backup operator will retrieve the current data from the cache component before processing the data each time to determine whether to continue processing. When the Flink operator itself fails, it will use the buffer queue in the strategy and Flink’s JobManager to send the data information at the time of the failure to the backup operator. When the backup operator receives the data, it will realize the effect of instant recovery. The strategy was evaluated on four evaluation indicators. Compared with the failure recovery mode of Flink1.8, the proposed strategy had a significant improvement in Flink task failure recovery. The recovery efficiency was increased by 56.3%, 51.3%, 46.2% and 45.8% under failure times of 1, 2, 3 and 4 separately. And the proposed strategy brings only a very small price in terms of processing delay, CPU utilization and memory usage.

Key wordsApache Flink      stream processing fault tolerance      active backup      failure recovery      buffer queue     
Received: 18 July 2021      Published: 03 March 2022
CLC:  TP 316.4  
Corresponding Authors: Shan HUANG     E-mail:;
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Guang-xuan LIU,Shan HUANG,Jia-li HU,Xiao-dong DUAN. Fault tolerant optimization of active backup for Flink stream processing framework. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(2): 297-305.

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针对Flink任务出现故障后因为全局卷回使流处理作业恢复效率低的问题,提出基于缓存队列的容错策略. 在作业中找出恢复时间最长的算子作为关键算子,将其处理过的数据存储到缓存队列中,并为其进行主动备份,备份算子同时接受来自上游的数据以达到在故障后作业可以瞬时恢复的效果. 为了解决主动备份带来的额外消耗,提出数据过滤算法,备份算子在每次处理数据前会到缓存组件中检索当前数据,以判断是否继续处理. 当Flink算子自身出现故障后,利用策略中的缓存队列与Flink的JobManager将故障发生时的数据信息发送给备份算子,在备份算子接收到数据后,实现即时恢复的效果. 利用4项评价指标对策略进行评估,结果表明,与Flink1.8的故障恢复模式相比,所提策略在Flink任务故障恢复速度上有显著提升,当故障次数分别为1、2、3、4时,恢复效率分别提高56.3%、51.3%、46.2%和45.8%;而在处理时延、CPU利用率以及内存使用率方面仅产生极小的代价.

关键词: Apache Flink,  流处理容错,  主动备份,  故障恢复,  缓存队列 
Fig.1 StreamGraph of Flink Job
日期 开始时间 故障次数 完成时间 完成
1.7 8:00 0 8:08:20
1.8 8:00 1 8:09:10
1.9 8:00 2 8:10:02
1.10 8:00 3 8:10:23
1.11 8:00 1 8:09:08
Tab.1 Log information of Flink task
P K1 K2 T
8 8 0 2000
12 8 4 1923
16 16 0 4335
Tab.2 Impact of increasing degree of parallelism on throughput
Fig.2 Workflow of Buffer Queue backup strategy
Fig.3 Interception function of Buffer Queue under normal circumstances
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of backup operator processing data
Fig.5 Recovery process of operator’s own fault
硬件 配置信息
处理器 Intel i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20 GHz
CPU核心数 6核
主频 3.2 GHz
内存 64 GB
硬盘 100 GB SSD
Tab.3 Hardware configuration information of Flink cluster
软件名 版本号 软件名 版本号
Centos OS 7.4.1 Java 1.8.0
Flink 1.8.0 Kafka
Hadoop 2.7.5 Flume 1.7.0
Tab.4 Software configuration information of Flink cluster
算子 TR/s 算子 TR/s
Source 45 Filter 67
Connet 65 Map 53
FlatMap 71 Sink 39
Tab.5 Average recovery time of Flink task failure
数据量/万 处理时延/s
Flink-RestartAll Flink-BQBS
10 82.0 84.5
50 170.0 176.0
100 355.0 369.0
200 723.0 739.0
Tab.6 Comparison of average processing delay under different data volume values
故障次数 Flink-RestartAll累计
Flink BQBS故障
1 71 31
2 150 73
3 210 113
4 290 157
Tab.7 Comparison of average recovery time under different recovery modes
对比算法 恢复模式 TR/s ηn/% ηf/% δ/%
Flink-RestartAll 全局卷回 71 62.0 76 40.01
Flink-BQBS 单点恢复 31 62.5 82 42.70
Tab.8 Comparative information of Flink RestartAll and Flink-BQBS      
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