Review of blockchain data security management and privacy protection technology research |
Xiu-bo LIANG( ),Jun-han WU,Yu ZHAO,Ke-ting YIN*( ) |
School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The researches on data security management and privacy protection technologies at home and abroad were analyzed and summarized aiming at current problems in blockchain security, such as unreasonable data management mode, unreliable data sharing scheme, smart contract vulnerabilities not easily fixed and incomplete privacy protection of multiple types of data. Various security problems and reasonable solutions in current blockchain systems were outlined from four aspects: data storage security, data privacy security, data access security and data sharing security. The challenges and future research directions of data security in blockchain were discussed. Some reference for the future work of researchers was provided in the field of blockchain security.
Received: 04 September 2021
Published: 05 January 2022
Fund: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2019YFB1404903). |
Corresponding Authors:
Ke-ting YIN
E-mail: xiubo@zju.edu.cn;yinkt@zju.edu.cn
针对当前区块链安全方面存在数据管理模式不合理、数据共享方案不可靠、智能合约漏洞不易修复和多类型数据隐私保护不完善等问题,分析并总结了国内外关于数据安全管理和隐私保护技术的文献. 从数据存储安全、数据隐私安全、数据访问安全和数据共享安全4个方面来概括目前区块链系统存在的各类安全问题及合理的解决方案,讨论区块链实现数据安全面临的挑战及未来的研究方向,为区块链安全领域相关人员未来的研究工作提供了一定的参考.
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